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Sunday, August 11, 2019


Eighty-eight percent (88%) of voters favor a legal process that protects individual rights but empowers police to take guns from people credibly reported to be public threats or mentally unstable. A new ScottRasmussen.com national survey found that only 12% disagree.

The public support for “Red Flag Laws” is little changed since last fall. It is found among every major age and ethnic group in the country. Ninety-two percent (92%) of Democrats favor the idea along with 89% of Independents and 82% of Republicans (see crosstab results).

Following the horrific news from El Paso and Dayton, support in Congress may be growing. On Monday, President Trump declared “We must make sure that those judged to pose a grave risk to public safety do not have access to firearms and that if they do those firearms can be taken through rapid due process.”



  1. This is why there is going to be a Snowflake Civil War

    1. The polls also said Trump would lose the 2016 election too. Believe the 88-31 percentages if you want, I know better

  2. Disarm Americans to bring in open world boarders and ISLAM, FACT.

  3. This really needs to be stopped. It's BEYOND unconstitutional! Anybody wanting to live like that should pick any of 300 other countries who have laws like it and get a plane ticket ASAP. Planes and ships leave here every day. Goodbye.

    There are plenty of legal immigrants who want to come here because of these freedoms and who WANT to live under our Constitution to take your place.

  4. This crap is laughable.

    The national survey of 1,000 Registered Voters was conducted August 6-7, 2019

    They decided these fake figures when polling only 1,000 people constitutes a valid conclusion?

    Plus they let people self identify whether they were liberal or a Democrat.

    1. If DemocRATs EVER take the WHITEHOUSE back it WILL BE the end of AMERICA and Soros has done his Job.

  5. Will Madonna, Corey Booker, Maxine waters, Talib, Omar, Robert DINERO, Cathy Griffen, on on on will they get RED FLAGGED for there threats to a President ?????????????

    1. No but I bet you would for asking 😂

    2. F those TRAITORs.

  6. THIS IS A BULLSHIT LAW , Will the criminal thugs be targeted for there guns ? No bc there guns are ILLEGAL punishing the American citizens to Disarm legal citizens so only the govt and criminals have guns THIS IS AGAINST OUR FORE FATHER'S AND THE CONSTITUTION.

  7. Look what's happened to England with gun control 500 new Mosques open, 350 churches closed, 100 Sharia courts open , knife crime, Britain to be 50% Muslim by 2050 ,This is what Democrat socialists want for AMERICA.

  8. If they truly believe they can disarm us they have seriously crossed the line and it isn't Obama on the other side. They will face a fury not seen since the past they keep trying to erase.
    Our forefathers foresaw this coming and that is why they gave us the right to defend ourselves from tyranny. The tyrants have arrived and we shall defend our liberty.

  9. All you need to do is look at the way these social media sites are censoring conservative ideals as "hate speech". Stay anonymous or you may get a knock at the door.

  10. Maryland Senator Steve Hershey and RINO Hogan want your guns. They join teams with Jake Day and Manure Bota in talking about more gun laws.

    When you have Republicans agreeing to gun confiscation it is over for this country.

  11. Lol. Who needs a gun anyway? Then again I’m different then the average person.

  12. Don't get so worked up over skewed and fake polls people... Remember, Trump won when EVERYONE said HE WOULDN'T and they WOULDN'T let him and would stop him and all the polls said Hilary would win and guess what, they lied... They know how stupid you people are and that if they say something long enough, or if enough people say it or do it, you will follow... LIKE GOOD SLAVES YOU ARE...

  13. Then, who you gonna call???

  14. Cannot trust polls.

  15. Do not vote Democrat or this is exactly what you will get. It's no joke.

  16. Red flag laws are ripe for abuse. Think of the vindictive ex-wife that makes the unsubstantiated charge of an ex having made a threat, just because she wants to take his prized possessions. Ex's make unsubstantiated child abuse charges (at the direction of their attorneys, without any proof, just allegations and lies) all the time for advantage in divorce proceedings, and the courts go along with it. Nothing to stop them in red flag cases. Like the FISA courts, just ripe for abusing the innocents lives. Keeping mental health records secret as a matter of health privacy is what is creating these problems. Mental health is a public safety issue and need to be addressed.


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