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Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How Jefferson Lost Some Luster in His Own Hometown

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Virginia—The Camp Ten Four restaurant, on the ninth and top floor of the Graduate Charlottesville hotel, offers a good view of much of this city associated with Thomas Jefferson.

Sitting at a table in the rustic venue, Charlottesville resident Pat Napoleon expresses concern about what she sees as city leaders’ dishonoring the founder of Monticello and the University of Virginia—both staples of this area’s identity.

“We are all just horrified by how this town is attacking Thomas Jefferson,” she tells The Daily Signal, suggesting that her view is widely shared by those who put the third president’s ownership of hundreds of slaves in historical context.



  1. If kids were made to stay in school long enough to graduate and get a job rather than a forced LGMT program, maybe they would understand why the agricultural part of early America found slavery to be a good business decision rather than a bad social justice one. Slavery still thrives out of Africa and other places. It's over in America (except for Epstein) so move on. History is history and trashing a statue of someone who did what was perfectly normal and excepted at the time won't change anything.

    I got myself a campaign sticker for AOC to put on my trashcan and I feel must more at ease. Try it.

  2. I think this country should shut down the Clinton library. After all be took advantage of Monica but said "I did not have sex with that woman". Bill was so stupid he didn't even know what sex is. Oh I forgot..Clinton and Obama are part of the left.

  3. Anonymous said...
    I think this country should shut down the Clinton library. After all be took advantage of Monica but said "I did not have sex with that woman". Bill was so stupid he didn't even know what sex is. Oh I forgot..Clinton and Obama are part of the left.

    August 27, 2019 at 10:15 PM

    Now I see it. Took me a while.


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