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Wednesday, August 07, 2019

Far-Left Protesters Descend on Mitch McConnell’s Home, Threaten to “Stab the M*f*ker"

Far-left protesters gathered outside Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky home last night, with one of them threatening to “stab the m*f*ker in the heart.”

“Far-left protesters are at Mitch McConnell’s Kentucky home,” tweeted Ryan Saavedra. One person says they hope someone uses a “voodoo doll” on McConnell. Another says they want someone to “just stab the m*f*ker in the heart”. These are the people who want to take your guns.”

Saavedra tracked down the Facebook page of the person who allegedly made the threat, where she was pictured alongside Elizabeth Warren.

The harassment campaign continued into the night off the back of a Twitter trend called #MassacreMoscowMitch. The protesters demanded that McConnell come outside.



  1. Tiny people, tiny brains, tiny numbers.

  2. Dox these scumbags so we can go to There homes.

  3. So, what is Public Safety doing about this? Nothing. That’s the problem.

  4. 10:37 why do republican states consistently have lower literacy levels and education rankings?


  5. Would be a good day for the street sweeper to be scheduled.

  6. the dummycrat party of hate now fully out of the closet.

  7. Blame Maxine Waters, Squad, Pelosi, Schumer, Cummings and all Democrats for promoting violence in there speeches. This is not being civil. This is being hypocrites by not rebuking these actions.

  8. SO threaten the squad and that is okay?
    Moscow Mitch got it easy compared to what they did

  9. Seems liberal run police forces do nothing.


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