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Wednesday, August 07, 2019

CNN Confirms: Dayton Shooter Had ‘Extreme’ Left-Wing Views

CNN acknowledged Monday night that the mass shooter in Dayton, Ohio, appeared to have “extreme” left-wing views, based on a Twitter feed that has been widely linked to the gunman.

The CNN report came out roughly 24 hours after Breitbart News reported the same information — and just hours after the Dayton Daily News confirmed that the shooter “definitely leaned to the left” and had spoken extensively in the recent past about shooting up local bars.

The report — which appears on CNN’s website, but has not apparently appeared on air as of this writing — states:

"A Twitter account that appears to belong to Dayton mass shooter Connor Betts re-tweeted extreme left-wing and anti-police posts, as well as tweets supporting Antifa, or anti-fascist, protesters."



  1. Oh great! Somebody discovers that he’s nuts AFTER he kills his victims.

  2. Is it true that many of the mass shooters over the last 2 years had ties to our community?

  3. Republicans are saying that it is a mental health problem but refusing to put money into our healthcare system to take care of them. This Ohio shooter had a CLEAR obsession with mass shootings which have been glorified by our 24/7 news stations and the internet. Mass shootings will continue to happen unless we address the social and mental reason behind them. If we continue to let crazy people stay crazy and legally purchase firearms capable of quickly inflicting mass casualty we will continue to have this problem. It's a shame conservatives are so worried about being controlled and exploited by their government but fail to see how they are controlled and exploited by private interest groups such as the NRA.

  4. 11:00 the Democrats do not talk about mental health problems related to these shooters. All Democrats want to do is blame legal gun owners. If the Democrats see this is not in a Bill then why don't they not amend the Bill like they do with all their pork barrel spending? Republicans are the only ones they talk about the mental health issue. Physicians are not reporting mental health issues that would be on the "no buy" list. Democrats and their liberal Judges go easy on criminals since that is their voting base and these Judges would not be appointed with these liberal Democrats out of office. Democrats incite the violence by not condemning these nuts and promote ANTIFA and other radical groups sponsored by George Soros the Democrat money man. Just ask Maxine Waters, Squad and their groups. Democrats do not support the Police and let them do their job by the law.

  5. No fathers at home. No faith allowed in schools. Schools out of control. Excuses made for bad behavior. Gimme, gimme, gimme society.

    WTF do you expect? Why is it the Democrat cities are the ones with daily shootings, many deaths, but that is ignored by most media and politicians?

    Life was better and calmer when there was respect for authority figures, whether teachers or law enforcement; privileges were earned, not a right; prayer was allowed in school. Traditional values WORKED!

  6. Woah! Hold On! What happened to Fake News? When you agree with the story it’s not fake?!


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