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Sunday, August 04, 2019

FACT CHECK: Al Sharpton’s History of Racism, Antisemitism, Anti-Police Rhetoric

Al Sharpton has a long history of bigotry that includes anti-white racism, antisemitism, and demonization of law enforcement.

His record has become relevant for two reasons. First, Democratic presidential candidates have been courting his support — with no criticism of his past.

Second, President Donald Trump tweeted Monday morning that Al Sharpton is a “con man” who “Hates Whites & Cops.”



  1. My Pal Al evolved from that

  2. He is just like Cummings & the rest of the Black Congressman !!! May as well put him in there too along
    with Jesse Jackson & Farakon ALL Racist !!!

  3. Also sharpton is like all the rest. If MLK lived?? He would be the same race HUSTLER as his cohorts. NOT ONE IF MLK MEN HAVE AMOUNTED TO SHIT!! ALL RACE BAITING HUSTLERS!!

  4. America's Worse Mistake > Giving TOOO much to MLK !!

    example > Reverse Discrimination Laws towards Whites =

    Affirmative Action (Throw it OUT NOW !)

  5. hey all need to go pay their darned taxes. Tax cheats and frauds!

  6. Sharpton is a major slum lord in NY that his properties should be condemn. Sharpton is also a TAX EVADER that is not held accountable just like several Politians.

  7. Nice guy loves everyone

  8. Is there a difference in racism towards jews as to others to need a special name?

  9. Its a shame how you people think , you brought Black people here in put them into the worst form of slavery and after 310 yrs told them they were free just go with nothing but a promise of 40 acres and mule which they never got., because they cry out for justice you now are trying to flip the coin and accuse them of what you are guilty of (Racism). How can they be accused of Bigotry and racism the don't own a damn thing in America so they cant discriminate, however I understand you people you cant help because you are only acting in accord with your nature . DEVIL

    1. HAHAHA. ANOTHER glass house living Baptist. Street Angeles. But close the door and you'll see the Horns.

  10. @8:38 It's a shame how uneducated you are while trying to indict people for crimes they didn't commit. No one on earth today brought slaves here and no one on earth today was ever a slave or slaveowner.

    But since you like to say "you people" and cast everyone white in the same light with the same racist brush how about we cast all black people the same and declare them all criminal? It's certainly more logical than your argument as while slavery no longer exists black criminality and criminals do exist and in epic proportions right now.

    Go plead guilty to all the crime YOU are responsible for.

  11. Why hasn't Al paid his $1.5 million in BACK TAXES.

  12. 8;38. it shows who is uneducated no you didn't bring any slaves here but you common bastaerd you benefit from until this day. You people is right because nobody on the [lanet think like White Supremetist, show me how you are superior your only supreme in lying , stealing and murdering the original people of the planet , however you day has come. Archie Bunker is going to take you all to hell where you belong(TRUMP)

  13. @512 Take your nonsense ghetto gibberish somewhere else. You are owed nothing, I received nothing, and you will receive nothing from me or other white people. Get off your ass and get a job and make your own life better. You'll die old and poor waiting for your reparation. It isn't coming. Now deal with it.

    You are an embarrassment to your race. Anyone functionally literate reading your rhetoric realizes you are just another welfare sponge, racist to the bone, while calling anyone who doesn't go along with your BS as a racist.

    It's tired, as is coddling idiots like you.

    MAGA2020. My lily white rear, plant your lips there.

  14. Good thing he is not in a Socialist country, for him because
    they would Hang him on piano Wire !!!!

  15. 5:12
    Our superiority is especially noticeable in our vocabulary and writing abilities.

  16. I worked for the Federal Government for a long time and my opinion of Blacks in Government (BIG) - which is a real organization with in the Federal Government - is racist yet it is allowed. Blacks hold meetings on Government time to discuss black issues within the Government. This is allowed and encouraged. During my long tenure in the Federal Government I never saw or heard of Whites in Government. We had Black history month. Multi-culural month. Never White History month. Why is that? Federal Government is afraid of Blacks - period. I can back up that statement but another time. I'm not blaming blacks. I am blaming those who run the government - politicians.


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