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Sunday, August 04, 2019

Ex-RNC chairman invites Trump: Come to Baltimore, 'streets are ready for you'

Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele invited President Trump to visit the streets of Baltimore, a city the president has admonished as "rat infested" and out of control with violent crime.

"Mr. President, come on down [to Baltimore]. The streets are ready for you. The neighborhoods are ready for you," Steele said. "Folks want to talk to you. So just show up. Put the tweet down, brother, and show up."

Steele's comments came during a National Action Network event in the city featuring various minority pundits and politicians, including the Rev. Al Sharpton.



  1. Oh. He's a conman? Nothing left to discuss. How does he help spend Billions of aid to Baltimore to rid the city of its problems. All that money and NO improvement? Baltimore is stealing it for their personal gain (Healthy Holly) or how about gift cards for the poor to the mayor can buy games for her own kid?

    Cummings hasn't a clue about this apparently. RESIGN!

  2. Another one who done nothing to advance the Republican agenda or conservative agenda when he was LT Governor of MD or RNC chairman Another Democrat con-artist.

  3. Baltimore launches live map of sewage pollution — and temporarily stops alerting the public to contamination.

    Nothing to see there but sh!t.

  4. No Michael. They should be talking to you. O'Malley. Cummings and the rest of you CORRUPT DEMOCRATS. You were NEVER a Republican. You are a black man playing the system. LIKE ALL DEMOCRATS!!

  5. and the justification is .......?

  6. Thanks Mike, but no thanks. B'more is an armpit and I haven't had a tetanus shot lately...

  7. It should be called the National Inaction Network.

  8. turncoat Steele is part of the problem, What has he done or tried to do for his broahs or Sistahs? yeah that's right nadda. Steele go ahead and talk crap from your nice comfy bed and home and gated community. Your'e as bad as Cummings, Sharpton and Jackson. Like the ole Rev Wright said. I hope the chickens come home to roost to you hypocritical jackasses.

  9. Steele heped to contribute to the morass in Baltimore. Then - helped himself to raid the Republican treasury as their director. No Thanks Mike . . .you and Erlich have already done enough harm to Maryland.

  10. I was born and raised in Baltimore. Downtown Baltimore.
    Moved when I was 31. I'm 68 now.
    I know the city.
    I knew better than to walk down streets in some neighborhoods when I was a teenager.
    It was not safe. Everyone knew it.
    That was over 50 years ago.
    It's even worse now.
    My question to Michael is a simple one:
    "Would you be OK letting your wife, daughter, or anyone in your family walk the streets of West Baltimore."
    If your answer is "Yes" then you are a liar.

  11. Baltimore is an embarrassment that has only gotten worse thanks to corrupt democratic leaders. Trump is right, anyone who thinks differently is welcome to visit the city alone after dark.

  12. I asked my kids at the end of school if they wanted to go to the inner harbor?? They said NOOOO. The inner harbor is the inner garbage.

  13. Trump is too smart to take that bait from another prominent Maryland RINO. Steele would love Trump to enter Batimore's war zone and find an attempt on his life. People with TDS are getting so frustrated by Trump's success, and with their inability to gain any traction for impeachment, they are getting desperate. Stay away from Baltimore Trump. I do, and I live in Maryland. Come to the Eastern Shore, or the Western part of our state. No RINOs here. A few rednecks, maybe, but no RINOs. The Republicans in the rest of the state are not the RINOs from Baltimore. Trump 2020 MAGA!


  14. Steele is a cloak and dagger Dimocrat. If you don't think so, ask him why is the swimming pool and the 'new bar' off limits' to the residents of the affordable housing project which is across the street from the Somers Cove Marina? The fee is $100.00 to swim (members only) and how many folks have that? No black at the bar cause the gate is closed at 9:00 P.M. Its because the manager is from Chincoteague Va. and a hand picked racist and true to the cause as there are little to no black on the island.
    All in all, him and Hogan are behind the scenes racists themselves and Steele is just a token to get the Baltimore vote. If you think they really care about that City except for votes then you're in the wrong horse race.

  15. Ben Carson was there and invited Elijah Cummings, but the Democrats were the ones refusing to come.

  16. There are nice places in Baltimore, if that is where you are taken him, you defeated the point. Let him walk Cummerbund district and see the city as it is!


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