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Sunday, August 25, 2019

Commissioners Approve Room Tax Increase; Pocomoke Official Had Threatened To Block Hike

SNOW HILL – Room tax in Worcester County will increase following a unanimous vote by the Worcester County Commissioners this week.

On Tuesday, the commissioners voted 7-0 in favor of increasing the room tax from 4.5% to 5%. The vote came in spite of indecision voiced in previous weeks by District 1 Commissioner Josh Nordstrom, who said if his peers wanted his support they would have to acknowledge the needs of southern Worcester County. Nordstrom’s support was critical because the increase must have unanimous support for the commissioners.

He said after Tuesday’s vote he was hopeful those needs would be discussed at the commissioners’ next meeting and that he thought an increase in room tax would benefit the whole county.

“I felt it was the right thing for the county,” Nordstrom said. “I always felt that way. I think it’s going to be great for tourism … I’m hopeful my proposals regarding the southern end of the county will be well received in the first meeting in September.”



  1. I guess Baltimore needs more money.

  2. Increasing the Room Tax is "Good for Tourism" ?????????

  3. Good luck Josh, you just got played. And the good ole boys ride again.

  4. The room tax funds the county tourism office and facilities, as well as increase advertising, both in and out of the area. For those who don't know, there are OC billboards up far as Northern NJ and NYC, and Eastern PA. I can't say if there are any in Canada, but I wouldn't be surprised if there were.

  5. If all the revenue Ocean City brings in stayed in Worcester Co it would be the richest county.

  6. AND another stupid move by greedy useless politicians and another reason to avoid that OC #%%^hole

  7. Yeah Josh, you gonna learn today. The north end sets the stage for this county. And the 3 omigos at the north end along with OC gov't determine the whole county on policy. And don't even try to bow put gracefully with that " it's good for the whole county bullshit". In other words, gotcha b!+ch!.

  8. You all better elect Bobby Cowger back in if he runs. He won't put up with this $hit.

  9. That hike is not nearly enough.

  10. Anonymous said...
    You all better elect Bobby Cowger back in if he runs. He won't put up with this $hit.

    August 21, 2019 at 8:47 PM

    LMFAO! He's lost at least twice already. How many more times do you want him to lose?

    He lost his town manager job and he is suing Pocomoke. This guy should tattoo "LOSER" on his forehead.

    1. Hahaha! That's funny right the there.

  11. Josh Nordstrom is a big fat Doofus. WTH did you all vote for him? You had a decent commissioner until this Jerk Off.

    1. Hahaha! That's another good one.

  12. How many more dollars are they going to pour into that radio system cut your losses and use the state system you already have the radios on that system

  13. I went online to book a room in Smallsbury this weekend and the going rate was $180-225 a night, one person.
    Our reaction was, is this a joke.
    There is nothing here to substantiate that kind of rate
    Does boi mayor think people are going to pay that for the folked festival?

    In June I booked a room at a lovely Holiday Inn, near the Germantown Hospital for a procedure and only paid $99 a night, for 2 people.

    No wonder every event is a flop.
    Bless my good friend for offering me a place to flop.
    $400 a weekend to stay in the crime ridden ghetto?
    No thank you.


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