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Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Viewer Writes.....Salisbury Super Pets

I went into Super Pets on Dec 17 and in the store I was just looking. I saw this little tiny puppy in a cage. I asked if I could hold it. One employee said no we are feeding them the other employee said no let her hold it. Needless to say I walked out with an $1800 Chihuahua. He was the best puppy that evening. They asked to get him vet checked with their vet within so many days. On which I did (Johnson McKee ) he was making a funny noise like a sneeze. The vet said oh he is fine that's just normal for small dogs. A couple days later he still wasn't the puppy he should have been so I called said vet again and they were closed and said on the voice male to take to Pets ER. Well they had to keep my puppy my little baby and said he has pneumonia and he was going to have to stay for a while. He was so sick and weighing just barely 2 lbs they would do their best. I am grateful I was in the situation to pay them. The following day I was so upset I went back to Super Pets on tears and they said yes we are aware of it all the puppies got sick in their store and they had them in quarantine in which they didn't people were still holding them as I told them. The owner came out and checked Johnson McKee voice mail and said yes you did what you should have done but said not to let Pets ER er do any more x-rays. I told him no they were going to try to get my puppy well. He offered for me to bring my puppy back and he would refund my cost for the puppy and I asked him what would you do with him and he'll no I am not bringing him back I need him as much as he needs me.
When he was released from Pets ER I did what they told me and followed up with the vet again (Johnson McKee ) when I got there he listened to him and said yep he will be fine keep him on meds. I asked about x-rays like shouldn't u do them to be sure he is getting better ? Nope not needed. I went to the counter and paid and sat in my car and read the bill. Teeth looks fine (what wait he never looked at his teeth )
Crying I called around several vets and found one that said bring him right over. After going one step in the door they met me and was truly concerned. Immediately took and x-ray and started treating him. Once a week until the pneumonia was gone x-rays were done.
I gathered all my bills and took them in there and the owner said I am willing to give you a check for the first visit to Pets ER but nothing else because he said to bring my sick dying puppy back to him. (Lord only knows what he would have done with him)
He then said you can take me to court and like I tell everyone else it will cost you more for legal fees then what you will get from me.

Today my puppy has over 5k in medical bills and it was the best thing I have ever done.


  1. I am not a fan of the owner there. He really doesn't care for the animals at all. He would rather get your 3-4k puppy mill breeds to get as much cash as he can. Do yourselves a favor and look for local rescues in your area before you go to him.

  2. Damn has anyone ever had a positive experience here?

  3. SuperPet doesn't have the facilities to quarantine a pet for airborne illness like bacterial pneumonia. I'm sure they half ass clean their kennels and the floor where all the puppies play around.

  4. Sounds like a case for Judge Judy

  5. you can take him to small claims court and it would only cost a $25.00 filing fee, which he would have to pay you back when you win. You can do this yourself without an attorney...go get him

    1. They will not win in court, they were offered to exchange or refund the puppy, that's all the law requires.

  6. My husband bought me a puppy from them. We took him to the vet (Johnson M.) for his check up so we could have the guarantee the pet store offered.
    They state they will not pay for any other vet in their paperwork.
    Vet was great checked everything that was needed. Took time to answer all the questions we had.
    Healthy puppy.
    We have been in recently to the store and the place has gone down hill. We were told the owner will do nothing to better the conditions. He doesn't care.
    So we no longer shop there.
    If you stop shopping there they will have to close the doors.
    If that store keeps passing inspection then maybe someone is getting a kick back to pass it. Or the standards for passing are so low. That means the law needs to change.

  7. 10:10-I've had only good experiences at Super Pet.

  8. Too many places that sell puppies get them from questionable sources, like breeding farms or not-so-reputable individual breeders, who often breed the same lines over and over.

  9. Take the SOB to court! You do NOT need a lawyer. You can get the papers to file online and pay a small fee to file.

  10. Years and years worth of bad publicity and yet people still shop there. If people would stop shopping there, they wouldn't still be able to sell their sick little dogs.

    $1,800 for a puppy mill Chihuahua? Do you know how many really good dogs are in the shelters for a fraction of that cost, including Chihuahua breeds?

  11. You bought a dog from a pet store. As an informed dog owner all I can say is
    "You got exactly what I would expect from a pet store."

    Puppy Mill or Back Yard Breeder? There is a huge difference. Not every breeder is trying to churn out show dogs and not all bag yard breeders are uncaring and greedy. In fact its very easy to distinguish a bad breeder from a good one. Look online for how to pick a breeder. Do 1 second of homework and you would not be in this predicament. Emotions being what they are I completely get why impulse pet purchases are made but, it still doesnt excuse you from having made the mistake.

    Yes stop shopping there and they might go out of business. Maybe not. Don't blame him for your poor decision.

    Same goes for picking a Vet. I use Lone Star Animal Hospital in Sharptown. They are not conveniently located if you live in Salisbury. What you can expect is a respectful Vet who loves what she does. You get one on one face time with her and she is happy to spend extra time with you if you clearly care and are concerned about your pets. Not all vets want to sit and listen to your questions. So this for me was a deal breaker having spent time with the other vets in Salisbury. Dr. Marsha Dixon is the best.

  12. Take him to court. As already said you do not need a lawyer. Be sure to put in the papers you tried to work it out without involving the court and that his response was to take him to court and how it will cost you more in lawyer fees. That is very important to include. His info is as follows-

    Address: 329 CIVIC AVE

    The only problem is it's going to be like trying to get blood out of a turnip. He already has one lien against him Discover for over $20,000. You too after you get your judgement then file a lien.

  13. I went to my dentist and had my teeth cleaned , it cost me $115.00 , I took my dog to to Johnson Mcgee(Mckee)(what ever) to get her teeth cleaned , it cost me $525.00 . What the hell is wrong with this picture? Next time we decided to get her teeth pulled , $2500.00 .

  14. The most you will get is the 1800 or the cost to replace him. Animals are considered property and are valued as such

  15. 12:05
    A dog has to be sedated to have their teeth cleaned and you don't. Still a lot of money and it doesn't cost that much to sedate a dog. Their prices are very high.

  16. These people have been crooks for years!’ They sell unhealthy animals. I just don’t understand with story, after story, after story they are allowed to stay in business. It’s cost people in this area thousands in vet bills and the owner just does not give a shit. I got a kitten from 12 years ago. She got sick within a short period of time. So Thanksgiving Day I took her to pet ER and she died. $800 and I was left devastated. Come to find out she had feline leukemia. I went to the store and told him she had it. I said you need to have your other kittens checked so no one has to go through that. And he said “I’m so sorry”. What?? Thats it?? That’s all he would do. This guy is such a piece of shit for continuing to support puppy mills. Something needs to be done. I don’t know how. But they need to shut this asshole down and rescue those animals.

  17. I know that you know what I know 12:08 . Don't make excuses for legal robbery
    Wake up America , our health care is down the tubes , average income for a vet is around $400,000.00 a year , average income for a MD $350,000.00 .

  18. There is a Vet service on Dykes Rd off S. Division She is great and studied from Darryl Layfield at Layfield Vet Services. Also Layfield Vet Services in Princess Anne out Perry Hawkins Rd. The 2 best in the area along with PET ER.

  19. Don't shop, ADOPT!!! There are plenty of wonderful dogs at the SPCA. You could have paid adoption fee of what, $150 and saved the rest for pet insurance and or future vet bills.

  20. Please share the vet your positive experience was with.

  21. God Bless you and your caring heart, this forever home you have provided I hope happens to all their current pets and then I hope they close ASAP.

  22. Also a point in small claims court is "Buyer Beware". Gonna be hard to win that one.

  23. 12:38
    I wasn't making an excuse. I was stating facts. Also vets go to school longer than a regular MD. They still make less than most professors at SU! Now that is the real joke!

  24. Johnson McKee has always been good to me. All the vets are expensive, the one in Delmar wanted $3000 to remove a cyst , all it needed was to be drained.

  25. The owner needs to be put in jail for endangering animals lives . He is a Worthless piece of crap.

  26. i got my cat at the shelter and he has blessed our family. God bless shelter animals.

  27. " Anonymous said...

    They will not win in court, they were offered to exchange or refund the puppy, that's all the law requires.

    August 22, 2019 at 12:05 PM"

    This is WRONG! FYI 12:05 Maryland has what is called a Puppy Lemon Law. Look it up before posting what is absolutely FALSE information The puppy purchaser will with proper documentation can be reimbursed for reasonable vet fees. Again do NOT post false information.

  28. Info on MD Puppy Lemon Laws-https://www.southernmarylandlaw.com/blog/civil-consumer/puppy-lemon-law/

  29. Find a rescue dog.

    PetFinder can help you find a breed, sex and age of almost any breed within a radius you choose, even all the way across the country. They'll present pages and pages of possibilities, with photos and histories, and will, if you choose, send you email notifications if a dog to your specifications comes up for adoption.
    We have two of the same breed, adopted from different locations and years. They're the best of buddies.

  30. If everyone would get together and just do not purchase anything from them. They'll probably close down. If not there's more to it.

  31. Just buy an animal and love the damn thing.After all,that's all that matters.

  32. Anyone who pays $1800 for a dog needs to see a doctor themselves. Seems like some people have more money than brains.

  33. So sorry about all your problems with your little dog, but
    happy he is still with you . Most people don't know these
    pups are from a Puppy Mill. Thank God you got to the right
    Vet to help you !!!

    I have no doubt in my mind this little dog would have gone
    out in the garbage. When they can no longer breed the dogs
    in the Puppy Mills, they either throw them out to starve or kill them.

    Notify the HSUS, ehovermale@humanesociety.org, right away
    with a copy of your mail on here!!!!

    If I remember correctly there is something about a Lemon Law in reference to Pet Store bought dogs who are sick. She will tell you exactly what your rights are and how to go about doing the
    procedure to try to get your money back .

    Do keep in touch with this Blog to let others know what you
    can or can't do in your situation.

    Best of Luck to you and give that " little survivor " an
    extra hug. You ,for sure are a good furbaby Mom !! He's
    one Lucky Animal !

  34. I was in there a year ago looking for a dog. They had the breed I was looking for but it was obviously sick. Hot nose....hot ears. I could not get him to get up and play. I just chalked them up and never went back.
    Went to a breeder and was thrilled.

  35. U CAN also contact the Attorney
    Generals Office ,after you know
    your Legal Rights and If you've
    not been given them by the Owner
    of the Pet Store.

  36. Your first mistake was BUYING it for $1800!

    You just encourage this type of sick profiteering.
    These are from puppy mills, inbred and from tortures, neglected animals/.

    Adopt, do not buy from way atores like that one!

  37. My understanding , by Law, owners can be
    reimbursed the cost of the animal for
    it's medical expense, but has to be done
    so many days after purchase.

  38. Gov Hogan signed a bill into law making it against the law for pet stores in MD to sell from puppy mills. Also stores are required to post where the puppy came from. This store has been found to not do this in the past. People need to read up on the laws and report this SOB POS for everything. The worst is this disgusting POS probably multiplied himself and is raising more trash like himself.

  39. How does one spend $1800 on a pet store vanity pet, when they could save another animal from slaughter at a much cheaper price, yet then expect us to believe they are animal loving smart/sane adults?


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