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Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Viewer Is Outraged At The Super Pet In Salisbury

A local customer had gone in this past weekend to order some items and they realized it was above 80 degrees in the store. All of the animals were panting and appeared to be stressed. They had to return the following day and the heat was even worse. They confronted the manager and they stated that the owner refuses to let them turn on the A/C. They even admitted when the leave they are instructed to turn off the box fans. 

While these animals are under roof and do in fact have water, many would say that this business that sells some animals for over a thousand dollars can and or should be able to afford to at least keep the humidity out. 

The Health Department, Humane Society have been called, they'll do nothing. PETA has also been called and they are awaiting a return call. What's your thoughts? I happen to think the owner will be making a LOT of comments stating it's perfectly fine to keep these animals in this heat but time will tell. 


  1. This is disgusting. I've never liked this place.

  2. Wow that's messed up time for a PROTEST.

  3. That place is the worst pet store I've seen. It needs to be shut down

  4. These animals need to be taken care of it is horrible not to have air conditioning

  5. Why is this place still in business! That is cruel to lock those pets up in cages with no way to seek a cool spot. It's bad enough to have them in those cages with the A/C on. I know 2 people that were stupid enough to buy puppies there. Both had major issues and the vet bills were huge by the time they were done healing the puppies.

  6. And despite all the complaining for decades you and others still shop there. Stop going there. That will put them out of business once and for all

  7. I have been into superpet several times everytime I am disturbed not just by the animals well being but because it's hot for one the animals always look stressed, hungry,aggitated, kennels are nasty the place just needs to be shut down and take ownership by someone that can obviously one take care of the animals and the business correctly. the animals are priced for some billionaire who in their right mind can afford an animal for over a thousand dollars... that really confuses me as to y the human society animal control won't do anything about this... with as many reports that's been done weird

  8. Its always been hot in that store i never bought live animals from there honestly its poorly kept. For that store to be around so long and pets mart not far away you would think they would take better care of there building.

  9. This hurts my heart!! This establishment should be ashamed!!

  10. Contact the H. S. of the United States, I'll send
    your their e mail address!! look for it around
    5 pm. on here .

    Wonder what the temps are in there. It is against
    MD and County Laws to keep a dog in 90 deg . heat,
    let alone the employees who are suffering . This
    heat is dangerous more so for dogs who don't sweat!!!

    Write he Attorney General's office to report them ,
    City of Salisbury Animal Control , Sheriffs Office.
    and ask People to Petition them outside for lack
    of humane care of animals.
    About a month ago in there and it stunk so bad I
    couldn't wait to get my purchase and get out !!

    Call the Television Stations.
    Remember , if a person does nothing , we are as much to blame!

  11. It's a business. If you don't like it, don't shop there. If they are doing something illegal, call the cops. Those are your two options. Whining about it constantly won't help anything.

  12. The Health Department LOL. I watched them peak in the windows of a 74 year old man taking a shower Garth Dennis Bill Mister, go get them boys

  13. That place is a $hithole and always has been. That building is loaded with building code and fire code violations but the building inspectors and the Fake 'Bury Fire Marshals are too stupid to know the Code.

  14. This place is awful, we had many problems within place and stopped going there. No air conditioning on, well that's just as bad as leaving them in a car on a hot day. Something needs to be done.

  15. That stop smells so bad
    Puppies are priced at outrageous prices. It's always bad smelling and dirty
    Animals smell due to dirty cages.

  16. That is inhumane. If it was a individual person the Human Society would have them locked up with a cruelty to animal charge. They should be closed up ASAP and the owner should never be aloud to have anything to do with the health of any animal.

  17. Hate the place. I believe they were in trouble once for selling kittens too young. Very dirty. Cages too small hate it very much. I get so depressed when I go in there.

  18. Terrible place to work. Not fun at all

  19. It's horrible for it to be so hot for the cats dogs and birds but it can be deadly for the reptiles if conditions are kept too hot or too humid according to the species.

  20. I would never buy anything from that pet store. We bought a rabbit in there and it died the 1st night. I have heard nothing but terrible stories about this place. Animal cruelty.

  21. What is the owner's name? The POS and anyone related to the trash needs to be publicly shamed all over the East Coast.

  22. this is beyond ridicilious. Maybe that owner needs to be put in one of those cages in the same conditions, no air circulating or it being hot. With no air circulating inside, it's probably hotter in that store then it is outside at nights. Put him in that situation, Bet he would change his practice.

  23. Think of the cost of a relatively small store running 1000 gallons of aquariums at 80 degrees, and lighted reptile enclosures with sunlamps at 80 plus, then trying to beat the heat and humidity those create with A/C. They need to segregate their store space to improve the situation. It won't be cheap, but it's in the best interests of the animal inventory, the customers and the staff, not to mention the building.

  24. Wicomico Humane as well as Wicomico animal control are all incredibly ignorant. garbage too. Worthless piss poor excuses for human beings. Remember the Eden puppy mill. They were called numerous times and did nothing because they are the lowest form of life those people. They are just as responsible for those dogs suffering as the people who ran the puppy mill. If they were raised by good people they would be ashamed but trash breeds trash in the case of humans.

  25. I don't go into any pet supply that sells animals too it just enrages me. My pets are all adopted rescues from volunteer networks. I buy all my pet supplies online from Chewy.com. They are great I have ordered the wrong flavor or whatever and they credit my account and tell me to donate it to a local shelter or rescue and I do. I like them so much I bought stock when they went public. Sorry PetSmart and Concord and local workers but you need to step it up.

  26. I reported them to the Attorney General's office for
    not having info as to the dogs Required info in plain'
    site for people.

    They did have it posted the last time I went there , which
    was sometime ago. But , we all know that these pups come
    from Puppy Mills.
    Please do not buy from Pet Stores. They are to be banned
    from selling dogs by yr. 2020 so hopefully this will help stop some of the torture these Mill dogs are forced to suffer!

  27. It's all about the Money people! These dogs bring
    in Big Profit for him. Puppy Mill Dogs is what they
    come from.

    All the help should quit , they shouldn't be subjected
    to he stress of the heat either.

  28. Post the conditions on the HSUS Facebook page. They've investigated this place before and it failed. Make a complaint with the USDA also. They regulate pet stores.

  29. Well think about closing the store until they can do it right!

  30. This place might be going the way of Accurate Optical. According to the BBB the owner is Dennis Traum. Look him up on case search. Also on the liens. 20,000plus owed.

  31. I have a hard time believing the Health Department, the Humane Society, and PETA will do nothing.

  32. I've never felt that the store was hot. I've also never had any issues with the place. People should keep in mind they sell reptiles which require high levels of humidity. Some people complaining are probably the same ones that leave their dogs outside during the summer when it's above 90°.

  33. Contact the landlord at Twilley Shopping Center they wont fix anything.
    The whole place is falling apart.
    Super Pets air conditioning hasn't worked properly since the landlords lit the back end of their building on fire.
    Pot holes in lot, no handicap spots, storm drain caving in.
    They broke the electric on Growth Spurts and never fixed it.

  34. Boycott the store, and never buy anything from there, bring the owner to his knees, shouldn’t have a pet store if your not taking care of them,

  35. I don't understand if it a crime to lock animals in a vehicle with no air and they die it's a crime but if there in a pet store shut down for the entire nite with no air how is that not a crime!

  36. This doesn’t surprise me. I mean they get their puppies from puppy mills, so why would they take care of them properly!!! and the stench is HORRID!!! They need to be shut down. The dogs in their look so sad and sickly!!

  37. The place is a dump. Went in about a week ago. Hot, very dirty, I expect some smell seeing as it houses a lot of animals, but with the heat, it was overwhelming. The place screams neglect.

  38. I worked there once upon a time. The owner is a piece of work. If this is true, I’m not surprised one bit about it.

  39. This is a disgrace and the precious animals need to be removed from there. That is Animal cruelty!!!!!!!!!

  40. This is a total disgrace!!!! Animal cruelty at its finest!!!! All animals need to be removed or the A/C left on at all times!!!!! Something must be done about this!!!!!

  41. wHAT did the Humane Society Say they could or
    couldn't do.

    Contact T.V . Stations after the H. S. talks
    with you.

  42. I wish all of the posters here cared more about children than a pet store. If you dare so much, volunteer to take a pet to a nice, cool location.

  43. A thousand dollars for a puppy mill dog. Do not buy puppies or kittens there!

  44. I haven't been in this Godforsaken place for years. I pray for the day they are shut down!

    Animal Control SHOULD take action against them...based on the new Animal Laws enacted last year, specifically:

    Section 133-5 Abuse or Neglect of an Animal

    5. If the person has charge or custody of an animal, unnecessarily fail to provide the animal with nutritious food in sufficient quantity, necessary veterinary care, proper drink, air, space, shelter or protection from the weather.

    Sounds to me like they are in violation of the "air," and most likely "space" requirements.

  45. call erik da far marshil at da 'bury far deeparmint. he be da won two tawk to bout dat far koad.

  46. We could organize a protest and picket the store!

  47. I've used to go there in past, but the last few times I went there, the store was very unclean and there was a bad smell all over store. The Fish were sickly. It was also difficult to find someone to help you if you wanted to purchase something that needed assistance.

    I believe in supporting local businesses and not a corporation, but in this case I go to petsmart. It's always clean and well run.

    It used to be very well run and a good place to go for pet supplies.

  48. The owner's name is Dennis Traum

  49. To the person on here refering to " wishing that posters
    cared more for children than animals."

    Do let it be known that others on here do care about children!
    The article posted is referring to lack of care of animals in
    this God forsaken Pet Store and this is what is being replyed
    to . If it were about children, I'm sure it would get plenty
    of responses.

    God help the Children , The Elderly and the Animals who can't Speak for Themselves. So, we who are capable have to speak for them !!

    Has anyone reported / heard from the City , who I understand have different Animal Laws than the Cty ? What information has been

    Has the person who wrote the article contacted the local T.V. stations , the Mayor of the City, the local Newspapers ,
    the HSUS?? What was the temperature in the store? Is the A/C
    turned off at night??? Best way to tell is to enter the store
    when the doors open, have a temp gague , take a pic for proof. You need to have all information checked into as to what's legal . what isn't before anything can be done .

  50. so what are all you crybabies doing about the humans that are outside and have no where to go in this weather or stuck inside with no air conditioning? checked up on any of them lately? didn't think so!

    1. 201 they can speak up for themselves.
      some animals are worth more than some humans

  51. Yes, Ck on mine each day as many do.
    Hope you do too !

  52. To be clear. This place is not run properly but not because of its employees lack of care it is because they are taking orders from someone upstairs. Please do not harass the employees on previous occasions they have had to call police and go to court based on harassment from angry customers including parts of their personal life. Most of them stay there to take care of the animals they feel bad for and pay out of pocket to feed them. And it is not due to the heat that the animals are suffering most animals there like the heat. It is due to lack of proper food (minus the puppies). Improper environment for reptiles, and outdated equipment. The reptiles and employees are the ones who really need the help.

  53. That store has a long history of mistreating not only animals but their customers as well. It should be been out of business years ago. Unless it's just a front for another type of business...

  54. drug trafficking 629 ?

  55. Stage a walk out...someone go in...get a head count of all the animals that are suffering they assemble and rescue them. Sure some of you will get arrested but this way the system will see the mistreatment. Video the entire thing and you will 100% be let off with no repercussions.


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