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Sunday, August 25, 2019

A Viewer Writes......

Hi there love your site. Best news in Salisbury. Has their been a post about Ireton quitting the Council and he was quoted as saying "it's time to move on"... could it be he will finally put his tail between his legs and move out of Salisbury? Can we only pray to God that happens so we never have to see him run again?

I want to hear what others think.

Thank you! Keep up the good work.


  1. I don't really care about him being gay, but with his attitude and temper he shouldn't be around kids.

    1. 8:32 am, his temper and attitude is all about him being gay, it’s a mental illness!

  2. No, he isn’t running for re-election and he barely has 3 months left of his term. He is said to be moving to Florida with his boyfriend when his term is up.

  3. He was a terrible councilman and an even worse mayor. He screwed his supporters right and left and laughed about it. He was a prime reason (along with the likes of Laura Mitchell) that so many people left the Wicomico Democratic Club. Folks, he was in it to climb to a state level political office, which isn't (thankfully) going to happen. Somebody should check to see what he's done with all of the $$ remaining in his political account, which he kept after elections instead of donating it to a charity as did most all of Salisbury's candidates.

  4. His being gay is not a problem. His being Gillis Gilkerson flunky is disgusting.

  5. Ireton has already been living in Baltimore with his boyfriend for months lol.

  6. 9:16 AM - Yes. He set up some sort of political account to continue his run for office, calling it IretonForMaryland, or MarylandForIreton, or some such name. That money doesn't become his to do with as he pleases, does it? It would seem that election laws would prohibit that once a person is no longer in the running as a candidate or political hopeful in the state. It probably amounts to three to six thousand dollars.

  7. @9:16 and what do you think Jake day is going for?? He has absolutely sold out ALL the citizens of Salisbury and wicomico county in what he has done to the area as a whole. His willingness to pursue all this senseless development to make all his buddies millions in return getting their support to put his plans in motion. Salisbury you will never be able to bounce back from the financial wrong doings of these few people and the long term destruction coming your way

  8. Ireton did more for Salisbury than your FAKE JAKE. I know for a fact his Mayor's Roundtable worked and brought about neighborhoods learning together and working together, something Jake has never done Jake is the worst mayor Salisbury has ever had. Besides selfies, orange bicycles, a #1 Festival that was a failure and no figures still, trying to control the fences the city could have for "appearance", round about traffic problems, bike walk traffic problems, fence being removed from around the Ampitheatre 2 drownings since. the euthanizing over 400 Canadian Geese for his festival # 2 purpose, worst road in our history, a proposed 13 story hotel!!!, not listening to Homeland Security the first round when they said the location for the festival was an extreme error in judgement. The purchases he has made so the tax payers pay for all his blunders in judgement. Also Ireton's crime figures were printed, accurate and far lower than Jake's & "Chief Hug a Thug's" The city was kept up, cleaner, grass cut more than once a season. Check out Rt 13 heading south along the railroad tracks weeds more than 4' high. The median landscaping shabby and weeds over 2' high. The construction work on Main Street no further along than the 1st contractor, on the right of Main Street where the old concrete fences are, leaving them undone and worse than they were to begin with. Painted sidewalks really is Salisbury the new "Romper Room?" Yeah Ireton please stay and make a difference for the better which you did!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. While he was mayor he became the obstructionist tool of his predecessor. Early on in his mayoral term some of the Good Ol' Boys (and girls) took him aside and read him the script.

  10. Who in Gods name designed that concrete obstacle course around the city park. I've lived here 59 years and i have never ever seen a bigger waste of money. Does Jake have a relative in the cement business? GOVT CRAZINESS !!!!!

  11. 1:11 PM - I don't recall Day making any outrageous promises or even advancing a very strong agenda except to actually follow a plan downtown and to get Salisbury on track for being noticed in a good way by outside forces with mobility and money.
    Those of us who have been around for a while have seen far worse.

  12. August 22, 2019 at 5:07 PM

    you are too stupid to realize he is hiding the debt and you wont see it until he bales on for greener pastures and waves goodbye.

    I would love a list of all thos "outside forces" that have noticed Smallsbury in ANY significant way. You have not one clue what your ridiculous folked festival is costing you and how many years it is going to take to pay it off because those facts are being hidden. Anyone who has asked for an accounting of it, has yet to see anything.

    ALL cities this size that tried this have been in deep debt and has taken them years to pay it off and recover, you are a moron to think this crime infested rat hole is going to have any different experience..

    Have another glass of the jake flavored koolaid.

  13. Remember the good ole days when Martin was Mayor, and Salisbury was a nice place to live.

  14. Don’t know where to start? I’ve been a Salisbury resident for yrs and seen the Ireton circus act up close.

    Moving to Florida with his Boyfriend from Baltimore? Curious what flaming idiot would pick up and move with him? Or be with him?

    Didn’t we see this before when Ireton ran off and then slithered back and ran for office again here???

    I don’t believe it because he has never lived far away from here he can’t hack not having his fawning family and supporters. The man is 50 without any sort of family of his own because he is an erratic drunken fool.

    I hope someone warns any school district in florida if he decides to teach down there!!!!

  15. Check out these lies on Jake Day's website.

    Time to call Jake Day out on his lying!!

    Jake Day is the 28th Mayor of Salisbury, Maryland. Born and raised here, he was first elected to City Council at the age of 30, unanimously elected President and later elected Mayor. His tenure as Mayor is marked by the fastest drop in crime in any City in America from 2006 to today, the fastest rise in population of any City in Maryland and the 7th fastest growing job market in America. Under Mayor Day’s watch, Salisbury has rebranded itself into a growing, safe, kind and fun city. Property values have risen 37%, wages have risen 11%, crime has dropped 31%, opioid fatalities have dropped by 50% and 2,500 jobs have been added.

  16. I am definitely no fan of Ireton's but I have to agree with 1:22, he has done more for Salisbury than the Boi Mare will ever do!


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