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Monday, July 08, 2019

Unhappy Democrats

Things are going pretty well. The economy refuses to stop growing. The stock market continues to set records for soaring, not crashing. At long last, wages are creeping upward. President Trump isn’t pulling up stakes around the world and isolating the country, as many feared he would. Nor has he started a war.

But you’d never know it from the way 2020 Democrat presidential contenders are acting. In their rhetoric and policies, they’ve moved sharply to the left, as if the grounds for a revolution exist in America. Those grounds don’t exist, though Bernie Sanders claims the need for a “political revolution” has been building for nearly a half-century. More people are satisfied than not.

Why have Democrats scrambled so far to the left in the past few years? I think there’s one overriding reason and a handful of smaller ones.

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  1. #nomorebullshit. God Bless America and God Bless President Trump !!!

  2. Trump is surreptitiously stealing the liberal left's thunder and they are left foaming at the mouth with their pandering and posturing. They are beginning to flame out as evidenced by the boy wonder from CA Swalwell. Biden's apology tour will burn him; who would trust such a flip flopper? Harris is a flash in the pan and Bernie is an also ran. Warren could end up the candidate but she is too flaky and I think will lose steam as her left wing socialistic nonsense is just that.

  3. Of course , money over values. Trump is morally bankrupt but he'll win in 2020

  4. 9:14 Please our entire government is made up of people that are morally bankrupt along with Hollywood but hey I know “orange man bad” 🙄


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