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Monday, July 08, 2019

Michael Goodwin: Liberals are eating their friends as well as their enemies

With Democrats increasingly attacking each other with a vitriol they once reserved for President Trump, an anecdote involving President Lyndon Johnson fits the moment. As recounted in the riveting memoir of Joseph Califano, Johnson’s top domestic adviser, the president was meeting with civil rights leaders in the hot racial summer of 1967.

Dems were sharply divided over several issues, including how to respond to riots in Detroit and Newark, and LBJ hoped to corral NAACP leader Roy Wilkins and Urban League Executive Director Whitney Young into his corner.

At a White House meeting, Johnson recited his Great Society accomplishments but Wilkins and Young appeared numb and in despair, saying they couldn’t control the young rioters, Califano writes in “The Tragedy and Triumph of Lyndon Johnson.”




  1. Ha ha love it, destroying their own party one member at a time!

  2. I'm so glad I turned out okay and a Republican. Pity Liberal Democrats. It's a shame what they've done. God Bless you President Trump !!!

  3. Democrats an immoral bunch.


  4. Link didn't work.

    IIRC Califano was/became Secy of HEW (Health Education Welfare).

    He's also recalled for saying 'the three great lies are:

    The check's in the mail
    Of course I'll respect you in the morning, and
    I'm from the government and I'm here to help you.'


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