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Sunday, July 07, 2019

Trump wants military tanks on the National Mall for July Fourth event

President Trump reportedly wants tanks or other armored vehicles on the National Mall for his “Salute to America” address to the nation.

The Thursday event is planned to be grandiose, with Trump ordering a flyover by military aircraft, including Air Force One and possibly an F-35 stealth fighter. About 300 servicemembers are slated to participate in the event in various capacities.

Negotiations for the use of the military vehicles are reportedly still underway, with some of the vehicles weighing 60 tons or more. The Pentagon is considering having static displays of the massive tanks and armored vehicles.



  1. Didn’t see one flag on the democrat debate stage.A vote for Democrats is a vote against America.

  2. Big waste of tax payer dollars. But who cares about deficits anymore

    1. Free healthcare for illegal immigrants is a waste .The list of the places my thousands of dollars in yearly taxes are spent are a much bigger waste than this so just consider my taxes cover this one and yours goes to scholarship for immigrants. I approve my money for a celebration of MY Freedom.

  3. Empire America

    Enslaving Nations one at a time

    1. 5:47- Which nation are we enslaving? Walk on with that bullshit, Commie!

  4. Bring the tanks on, let's be proud of our military might.

  5. This will be a nice contrast to the pussy-hats we saw 2 years ago. And taxpayers will get to see where a big chunk of their taxes go.

  6. Not good for road surfaces.

    1. They won't hurt the roads, they're on rubber padded tracks that distribute the weight better than the tires on 18 wheelers

  7. Completely ridiculous. Waste of money and more damage to already piss poor roads.

  8. I won't pay for a draft dodger to act like he's supreme leader

    1. Hey 7:52, you must be talking about that non-citizen muslim POS president barack hussein obama

    2. 5:14-Oh, did you serve in Vietnam?

  9. What ?
    We can have a gay pride parade but no tanks?
    Sissies. Stay home
    As far as i am concerned. Now days anything goes.

  10. Where is all the outrage over the waste of tax dollars here? The money doesn't even go to anything TANGIBLE... it's literally lighting money on fire.

    What hypocrisy. No one here yelling because Trump is your guy.. but Jake Day want's to use tax dollars for bike ways and hiking paths in Salisbury and ya'll LOOSE your minds.

    I'm not supporting Jake Day's waste of money either... I'm saying ya'll need to be consistent.

    If THIS isn't a giant waste of tax dollars and resources, then nothing is.

    Time to end the partisan rhetoric, and start being honest.

    1. 8:39 Could you for once stop calling people “y’all”.🙄

    2. Trump's celebration is for everyone and a salute to our citizens who actually serve the nation. Gay "pride" is all about shoving their personal life in others' faces. There's your difference! It's scary how dumb some people (you) are. I feel sorry for the people who have to deal with you daily. They need their own parade for putting up with your ignorance!

  11. 611 if it takes wasting DoD and DC dollars as well as the time our military personnel would love to be home with families to make you proud, you are missing the point.

  12. Cost should be a concern but I understand this is great for our military morale. So carry on Mr. President.

  13. 8:37 So we are sissies if we don't want our taxes to be used for Trump to play general? Quit getting your panties in a bunch over some gays having a parade. Who cares what they do, none of it affects you unless you were tuning in to look for a new lover

  14. 7:35 we see that every time the Presidential family takes a golf trip. Which is often.

    1. like Obama didnt go golfing every chance he had

    2. 7:35 Secret service, body guards, law enforcement officers, etc get paid whether they're in DC, FL, or Bum F%@# Egypt. Increased expense is very negligible.

  15. 8:37 perhaps if you were more comfortable with your own life and sexuality you wouldn't care what other people did.

    1. Typical cheap shot, also meaningless, but the norm for LBGTABCDEFGo whatever it's been since they decided their is yet another way to "identify". And no, criticism isn't hate speech. It means we don't agree.

    2. 10:11- Like normal people, I don't advertise my sexual exploits or which hole I prefer. You wouldn't know if I was gay or not, because it's none of your business! Want to be gay? Be gay! Just don't put it in my face or go paint rainbows where they aren't suppose to be! There is nothing more to it then that. Find the hate in my comments, I challenge you.

  16. US or Russian tanks?

    1. 10:13-Dumbest post here, and there are plenty. What's with all the trolls on this site? Why don't you start your own blog? Oh, you can't because that requires effort! What a bunch of pathetic sad sacks!

  17. An ounce of caution is worth a pound of cure, and today tanks sound like a good idea, safety for Americans on a holiday can't be sufficient enough.

  18. Lmao all these salty comments. All of you in here gtfoh whining about tax dollars. I’d be willing to bet every fricking one if you support free healthcare and college for illegals. You don’t care about the damn tax dollars. You’re all triggered like a bunch of 2 year olds because it’s Trump doing it. “Y’all” are transparent as hell🤦‍♀️

  19. Great comment 6:46, I agree with you. It all about anti-Trump

  20. So what if he has tanks there? For the good he has already done for our country, he can have anything he wants.

  21. The US is an Empire but it doesn't need to flaunt it
    It kills people to take the natural resources but it doesn't need to advertise it
    It took Afghanistan for the poppies but it doesn't need to sell the heroin to the public


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