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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

These 7 Democrats Floated Fake Russiagate Stories. Now They Get To Quiz Mueller

When Robert Mueller appears Wednesday before two congressional committees, he will face questions from at least seven Democratic lawmakers who have floated false claims about various aspects of the Russia probe, all without issuing retractions once the stories were debunked.

Democratic members of the House Judiciary Committee such as Steve Cohen, Ted Lieu, and Sheila Jackson Lee have all circulated now-debunked reports that claimed former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen visited Prague during the 2016 election.

House Intelligence Committee Democrats Mike Quigley and Jackie Speier pushed the fake story that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort visited WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London.



  1. How can this democrat corruption be stopped without violence, or is that what it's going to take to get these people back in check


  3. And Muller gave them 10 reasons for obstruction of justice...

    1. And BARR is going to haul in the original asshole who started this and LIED but Mueller doesn't arrest him ? It ALL GOES BACK TO HILLARY SNOWFLAKE.

  4. MUELLER doesn't know have the stuff that's in his report bc ITS WAS THE FBI DEMOCRAT INVESTIGATORS running the show.

    1. Yes I do believe that, must be the reason he needs someone's hand to hold during his questioning

  5. 10:06 how does Russia interfering in our election and the Mueller investigation go back to Hilary? Or are you so obsessed with her that you cant stop seeing her face everywhere?

  6. His main answer throughout the hearing was "I won't respond to that"

    Just another hillary and comey circus act

  7. 11:20...Hillary is behind the fake dossier that of Christopher Steele. Thats how it goes to Hillary. She paid for it. pay attention.

  8. i hate to disappoint all you people but William Barr A.K.A Robert Johnson is not gonna do a thing. You do know that while he was Attorney General under Bush Sr. and in the CIA that he helped sweep Mena and the Clinton scandals under the rug when Bill was Governor of Arkansas. The Clintons and the Bushs were in bed together on their scandals and it goes back to the Iran Contras and the OKC bombings. Don't count on Barr to do a thing. The corruption and the deep state runs pretty deep and Barr was part of all of it, or at least knew. Don't believe me. Google it all. Some of us have not forgotten.

  9. and if he wont respond to that then why waste more tax payer money on this circus?

  10. No collusion all Dem delusion.
    New ride at Disney.

  11. WASTE of $$$ and time Failed to answer WHO started the fake Dozier .... No impeachment bc U need Republicans and the VP to apply it and after 5 YRS the STATUE OF LIMITATIONS IS UP.


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