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Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Completed Section of Trump’s New Wall Helping Secure Border, Say Agents

Border Patrol agents insist that completed new sections of border barriers are helping them to secure the border and making the agents safer in the process. This comes on the heels of media reports inaccurately asserting that no new barriers have been constructed during the Trump Administration.

Border Patrol Agent Mike Matzke told Breitbart News, “New sections of Trump’s wall have been built and anyone claiming that a 30-foot barrier that replaced a 10-foot high sheet metal fence isn’t new barrier doesn’t know what they are talking about. The old legacy landing mat fence in our sector wasn’t effective and really bad people were jumping all day and night.”

“We’ve had people throw Molotov cocktails over the old landing mat fence and it was dangerous because we couldn’t see through it like we can with Trump’s new border barrier. Here in El Centro, we have the highest stretch of border wall on the entire Southwest border. Trump’s new wall section is 30-feet high,” Agent Matzke said.

Other Border Patrol agents discussing the matter said that the new Trump wall segment was 2.25 miles long and described it as being in the most needed area.


1 comment:

  1. Of course the walls work and if Dems would give the walls a chance they would see how much safer it would be for us all. To have a better handle then in the last decades. It doesn't mean there would be no refugees at all ,just that they would turn into Americans that could follow law and be productive and add to our economy.


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