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Sunday, July 14, 2019

Reports: ICE has begun raids to round up undocumented migrants

Immigration authorities have begun conducting raids, a senior administration official said Sunday, in an operation expected to target about 2,000 undocumented migrants ordered by courts to be removed from the country.

The Wall Street Journal also confirmed the development, citing a source.

The raids, which will focus on recent arrivals to the country, are slated for Atlanta, Baltimore, Chicago, Denver, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Francisco, a senior immigration official said. New Orleans is also on the list, but the city tweeted last week that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it would suspend operations through the weekend in areas hit by Tropical Storm Barry.

Acting U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Ken Cuccinelli took issue with referring to the targets of the raids as undocumented.

"They're not undocumented. They've got a court order on a piece of paper -- federal order -- that says they've gotten due process, and (there are) over a million people with removal orders. That's the pool that ICE is drawing from," he told CNN.

ICE will not comment on operational details of the raids, Cuccinelli said, adding that the priority will be apprehending violent criminals and aggravated felons. ICE agents are not "utilizing" allegations of crossing the border illegally, a misdemeanor, as cause for arrest in the raids, he said.



  1. Nah, nah, nah, nah,

    nah, nah, nah, nah,

    hey, hey, hey,

    gooooood bye.

  2. Shouldn’t be illegal for the WORLD to move to the United States’s and get FREE heath care. It is COMMON SENSE. Vote democrat

    1. I guess you're going to pay for it?

    2. Hey 5:50, 8:48 was being sarcastic

  3. Round em up, head em out, you go ICE!!

  4. friends dont let friends vote democrat!

  5. God Bless our Federal, State and Local Police !!!

  6. Round them up but for crying out loud don't warn them you're coming.

  7. I bought a "ICE" tee shirt on Amazon and wore it this weekend around to McDonalds, Big Lots, and Walmart, wow I never saw so many places vacate so fast!

  8. 10:39 Want to see a stampede of people, just wear that "ICE" tee shirt into Purdue or Tyson!

  9. EVERY ONE of the illegals are criminals. They committed a crime to come here. Deport every last one of them and tell them to come back the LEGAL way, like everyone else does. Plus go after the employers who hire them.


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