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Sunday, July 07, 2019

Red Hen restaurant owner who kicked out Sarah Sanders says 'new rules apply' for Trump officials

An owner of a Virginia restaurant that made headlines last year for refusing to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders has penned a new op-ed saying Trump administration officials “should consider dining at home.”

Stephanie Wilkinson, co-owner of the Red Hen in Lexington, wrote a piece for The Washington Post on Friday that said businesses have no legal or moral obligation to do business with “unsavory” individuals. She was responding to two recent incidents in Tennessee and Illinois where restaurant workers made their opinions known. In the latter instance, a Chicago cocktail server allegedly spat upon President Trump’s son Eric Trump and was detained by Secret Service.

Ms. Wilkinson wrote that she doesn’t condone “the physical assault of a patron,” but she does recognize how restaurants have become “part of the sound stage for our ongoing national spectacle.”

More here


  1. Imagine if Sarah Sanders was black and they treated her this way, and said they should treat all her kind that way.

    That is EXACTLY what she is doing-- the very thing they have decried for decades. But this time it's OK because Sarah is white and the President is too.

  2. I hope the Fag Grey Hen gets sued

  3. So... it’s okay for restaurants to discriminate against trump supporters but it’s not okay to discriminate against gay people? Reminds me of the gay couple that tried to sue the bakery for not making them a cake ... dumbocrats... it only applies if it suits us ... God help this country

  4. need to take a road trip with a bus load of people order and wait till the food comes out and then put on the MAGA hats

  5. Guess the Red Belch needed more attention. Thanks Bezo's for giving it to her, prick.

    1. Did I miss something - Bezo???

  6. Right on 6:50 PM. This is the double standard conservatives face today. The liberal left is a zero tolerance bunch and as such should not be given the time of day. They do not understand honest debate and two sides to every issue; my way or the highway. I wish the "Red Hen" success cause it is going to get very lonely for them come 2020.


  7. Sincerely wish her bad luck going forward at her food spot.

    Saw an excellent meme style photo of Mrs. Sanders during the President's trip to England. Caption was along the lines of 'Refused service by VA restaurant but served tea by the Queen!'

  8. Normal people don't go to that chithole anymore!

  9. I like your idea 7:14

  10. Yea and then refuse the crappy food too 7:14
    Then all get up and walk out
    Serves her right

  11. Why is it that the Christian bakers who refused to bake a wedding cake for a same sex couple were so horrible but this is OK?

  12. If I knew a restaurant was against the President and the Republican party that is the "last place" I would eat....all I would want is a good meal, not what they think I would like as added "products" at no charge I can't see them adding.

    1. Just keep reporting her resturant to the Health department for inspection. Take turns.

  13. I go to Lexington VA many times. Walk by this bitches restaurant and never go in. The place isn't ever busy and practically begging people to patronize.


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