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Sunday, July 07, 2019

Baltimore mayor & police commissioner says city won't cooperate with ICE

BALTIMORE (WBFF) - Baltimore City Mayor Jack Young and Police Commissioner Michael Harrison sent a clear message Wednesday that the city will not be cooperating with ICE officials.

“I said that we were not going to engage with ICE in any deportation or apprehension of any immigrants in the city of Baltimore,” said Mayor Young.

Harrison introduced a formal policy that will forbid officers from assisting in any civil immigration investigations with the federal agency.



  1. Good. Start collecting money from your illegals to offset your loss of Federal funds.

  2. Baltimore is a cesspool and can't get the current criminal activity (shootings/homicides) under control anyway. I will not be attending any Orioles or Ravens games, or going to the Aquarium until they get it together which sounds like never...Hopefully they hire a new Commissioner that enforces the laws to include ILLEGAL immigration.

  3. It is a global agenda
    Info is dispersed through Masonic Halls

    1. 12:24 you must still be bitter about not being allowed to join the Masonic Lodge


  5. What's not said is that the whole state pays the freight.

  6. How long will it take for Jake to follow suit and make his announcement?
    tick tock

  7. Baltimore needs all the help it can get to rid out all the undesirables, as their not doing very well under the present administration, of course they might lose a few uneducated dumbocrat voters

  8. Arm up people. Guns, ammo, knives swords..lets have some fun now

  9. All government in MD are a cesspool. Ocean City "sells" advertising on their buses. It you take the time to see who exactly is advertised, you will notice that 90% are about State social programs, the Baybridge, or reminding people to take their HIV medicine? Since MD obviously collects more taxes than they can spend why don't they simply cut taxes and stop paying OC some of the State's tax revenue.

  10. @12:44 you nailed it!! Day is like a puppet on a string. Whatever the other side of the shore does/says he can't stick his head up their asses fast enough

  11. 12:24

    Masonic halls? What the heck are you smoking?

  12. Now you can see why their homicide rate is through the roof. THEY REFUSE TO ENFORCE THE LAW.

  13. Concerned RetireeJuly 5, 2019 at 8:50 PM

    Hogan thank you and your Democrat friends for just another step in admitting you support MD as a sanctuary State while screwing over MD tax payers and Retirees. What Bills have you introduced to go by rule of law. Proof you do not support Law Enforcement.

  14. Northwest Woodsman: Why does it not surprise me that a lawless city will fail to follow the law regarding federal immigration laws? Take a look at who is in control,of the city.

  15. "We also won't cooperate with anyone trying to arrest the mayor."

  16. So they are refusing to protect MD citizens. So if they do not do the the job they swore to do, they should not receive pay and the state should not receive federal dollars for protection or natural disasters. Maybe then voters will vote for those who work for them instead of illegal immigrants.

  17. ...And Baltimore should be cut off from any federal funding as long as they break federal law. The city should also be cut off from state funding but does Hogan have the balls to actually execute it?


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