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Sunday, July 07, 2019

Kellyanne Conway: AOC lied about migrants drinking water out of toilets

Kellyanne Conway called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez a liar for saying that migrants were drinking water out of toilets in border camps.

"Chuck Schumer wants to talk about photo-ops, I saw one yesterday," the counselor to the president said Tuesday. "It's called Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez going down to one of these facilities and making this outrageous claim that a woman's drinking from a toilet that everybody who has control over that facility has said that's not true. They've not heard of this."

"And then when she was challenged by one of the few reporters who actually ever challenges her facts, she put the window up. Don't let the air conditioning out," Conway added.



  1. Kelly Anne, you lie about everything. So really folks, call these people out for the lies and deceit on both sides so we can move America forward. Take off your blinders!

    1. 9:35- List what lies she's told. Stop repeating what the CNN talking heads spew out! Take off YOUR blinders!

    2. Kelly Anne lied about what? Put up or shut up.

    3. Oh boy more selective editing by this board. Well I tried to answer you guys. Go ahead and spend 60 seconds on google to refresh your memory

    4. 3:53-You mean left leaning Google? No. We asked you. You have no clue! Just repeating what MSNBC keeps stating. Why are you even here? No one will talk to you in real life, so you troll here hoping for any type of correspondence. Am I right?

  2. We all know she lied, if that big mouth is open, it's lying.

  3. AOC is a clown and anyone with sense knows this...

  4. Democrats promote liars. It deflects the real horror they bring.

  5. AOC snuck a camera in the facility, but didn't take a picture of it happening. There's your sign.

  6. Seriously , Kelly Anne is in position to criticize anyone who lies . She is the worst liar there is

    1. 12:20- Once again, examples! Stop doing the same old thing with accusations instead of facts!

  7. Just more AOC speaking out of her A$$ to get attention.

  8. AOC didn't know about garbage disposals attached to the drains of sinks, some men probably never saw a bidet, who's to say some random immigrant from some shithole village in Guatemala didn't know that you don't drink out of a toilet?

  9. Drinking out of a toilet in America has to be better than the living conditions wherever she came from.

  10. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEJuly 3, 2019 at 7:18 PM

    AOC is a big turd floating in toilet water.....like all the left wacks at Peace Alliance of the lower Shore

  11. It's sad for that there are so many idiots blasting Kelly about lies, when here is an article proving AOC's lies, but not one can provide an instance of Kelly Anne lying! You trolls are just as pathetic as we already know you are! You are not helping to make your point, only looking more stupid. Also, you're here doing it. You have no self awareness! I can only assume you have no human contact and this is your only chance to have someone acknowledge you. It is incredibly pathetic. Stop going through drive thru and go inside if you need to speak to just anyone!

  12. 3:53-Sure. Selective editing, rrriiiggghhhttt. Yet, all your other "blinder" comments have been posted on this and other threads today. Playing right out of AOC's play book, right? Just lie when called out. You're even more pathetic than originally thought! You are incapable of truth! Spare us all of your existence and just go to facebook to do your trolling.

  13. She just doesn't know what the hell she is talking about. She isn't even smart enough to lie. She just blabs whatever goes through that pea brain of hers.

  14. Kellyanne's husband will be her undoing.He continues to criticize Trump daily and in public.


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