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Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Judges Seated by Trump Begin to Transform ‘9th Circus’

The Trump administration gained a rare victory this summer in the most unlikely of venues—the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is widely viewed as the most liberal federal appeals court.

One big reason: President Donald Trump’s appointments to the 9th Circuit have moved it closer to ideological balance.

The court, long known for being both liberal and among the most overturned circuits, has been a thorn in Trump’s side, ruling against the president multiple times, mostly on immigration policies.

The confirmation of Trump nominee Daniel Bress in July gave the president his seventh judge on the court. It also brought the once lopsided appeals court to 16 Democrat appointees and 12 Republican appointees, with one remaining vacancy.



  1. The main reason I voted for him.
    It shook me to the bone to think that Lying Hillary would have been the one picking judges. It would have changed our country forever.
    Think of the amendments that would have been at risk: First, Second,....
    It's worse than a Stephen King novel kind of scary.


  2. Elections have consequences. Drain the swamp.

  3. You can thank PRESIDENT TRUMP'S sister who is also a sitting judge for her insight.

  4. There is hope for America. God Bless you President Trump...

  5. It should be Illegal for Judges to be political and new laws
    needed to make it happen & keep them out of POTUS
    business !!!! (Stays stays stays ....)


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