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Sunday, July 07, 2019

Candy L. Burns Indictment


  1. And so it begins

    1. How many articles do you comment on with, "And so it begins?" What an absolute pointless comment, which you consistently post as your 2 cents. It's just a dumb statment.

    2. 100% agree.

  2. She isn't the only one doing this blood test thing. There is a Womans Center here in town that wanted to send me for a blood test and they wanted me to come in and do it there and they would send it to Labcorps. I declined and said I would prefer that Labcorps did it.

    Didn't make sense to me that I should have to pay 2 bills instead of 1 from Labcorps.

    All about the benjamin's

  3. Oh My! She will have her day in court but it does not look good.

  4. She deserves what ever she gets.
    The whole family benefited from cheating scheme.
    Lets see if she can sell some farm land she bought with it to pay up?

  5. is this the same family whos putting in a stinky manure pit for the neighbors to smell

    1. Yes only the bums in the log cabin are complaining though...

  6. I just called there (4105460900) and the receptionist claims it’s false and not true. Is this definitely a legit document?

    1. Yes. You can access it online. PACER

  7. This is the same AHOLE that wants a 3 MILLION GALLON sewage tank in mardela hopefully the FEDS Will seize ALL THERE PROPERTY.

  8. Nothing will happen. She will have to pay back the money and that will be it.

  9. How many time is this woman allowed to get away with Crimes ????? $$$$$$$$$$$$$

    1. THE FBI needs to investigate the prosecutors who keep letting this woman off $$$$$$

  10. Anyone with a stripper name is a problem.

  11. There you go !!!!! Doing it like you did in the old days when you spanked opposition in court .!!! Thanks for putting it back up !!!

  12. How ya like them apples Biff? Haha!

  13. I guess everyone has forgotten, on this day especially, in the Land of the Free, you're innocent until PROVEN guilty. By the way, this doesn't have anything to do with the EXCELLENT medical care given to patients. Lighten up all you innocents!

    1. Yeah, no there is enough evidence foe a grand jury to return an indictment on a charge in which the conviction rate exceeds 80%. The odds are not in her favor. Don't believe me, try searching Google for medicare fraud convictions

  14. Now, now Biff. Go back to sleep.

  15. Throw away the key u lib judge B... H TRAITORs.

  16. She should at the least lose her license

    1. She was punished In 2007 by the board now she better lose her license unless she pays off friends in the dept $$$$$$$

  17. She needs to be given the absolute maximum sentence. Not only is this a crime of pure greed as she is already a RN and one isn't living a bad life as a RN there are untold legions of people who need this program. She is contributing to bringing it's demise faster and is completely callous towards the poor.

  18. I guess it’s time to find a new primary care doctor

  19. So does she get arrested or just served with a summons to appear?

    1. READ the article she was INDICTED.

    2. Aww, someone need to use bold words to feel they are getting a point across. Good for you!

    3. 1212, maybe the article was read and they had a question. We’re sure glad your here to clear everything up though, don’t know where we would be without your portrayal of attitude in your words

  20. If you think excellent medical care was provided at that office you are one gullible fool.

  21. They are still open for patients, either her indictment doesn’t matter YET, though you would think some medical practice commission would have some concern with these pending issues, or they have other practicing physicians that are handling the work load until this concludes.

  22. I don't know what happened , nor care. This woman saved my life and I will forever be grateful.i will pray for her and all of u with your judgemental comments.

  23. 9:52 That is so great to hear but the fact remains she had been charged with a crime that affects all of us. Keep in mind that many who have been found to do corrupt things also do many good things. Its common as a matter of fact. So with that in mind the comments are not judgemental most are factual just as is your comment that she saved your life. If anything you are the one being judgemental because you haven't the ability to look past your own personal experience. YOu are bias in other words. Being bias is far far far more dangerous then judgemental.

  24. Maybe I am wrong here but as far as I last heard being indicted and being convicted are 2 different things. I seriously doubt anyone posting here has access to any information other than what is posted here, meaning it is nothing more than charges at this time. Some should really hope they never get wrongly charged with anything, and I am not saying she is guilty or innocent. I am not biased or judgmental, being factual means just that. The facts are she is charged only.

  25. Were any of Candy's ill-gotten funds used to buy the land her hubby, Biff, bought recently in Wicomico and Dorchester Counties? Biff is always bragging to anyone who will listen about all the money he has.

  26. Don't ya just love KARMA :)

  27. You ALL can say whatever you want about Candy! As far as I’m concerned she is a great medical provider and I will continue to be her patient. I’ve never encountered a SINGLE issue with her or her staff. Sure plenty of people are indicted but being found guilty is another thing. No one is perfect on this earth. I’m sure plenty of you have dirty laundry that you would never want society to know about!! No need for a response. Keep your negativity to yourself! Be blessed :)

  28. Awww must be Candy posting again . . smh! she's only committing fraud and costing the government millions. You stay positive boo boo

  29. This woman gets arrested on July 12th, somehow it doesn't make news?!?!? Though Accurate Optical gets blasted every where on the news for not paying their rent. SMH!!!!!!!!!!!

  30. She did wrong and should be punished. Her sister helped her perfect the scheme, then turned her in for it. Her sister did the billing for this for many years, when Candy realized the sister was steeling from her, Candy fired her. Sister told everyone in town that she turned her in. Now she is going to make money for being a snitch. The whole family is crazy.

  31. Aww sounds like to me someone is trying to blame the sister for the thief in the family. If the sister was smart enough to turn in her sister for fraud, then BRAVO TO HER. It's funny, Candy commits the fraud and of course it's someone else's fault. You guys are hilarious. Bye bye Felicia.

  32. I Know the sister . .and that is not what happened. She left years ago because she knew Candy was stealing. But it's okay, she'll be laughing all the way to the bank. You keep defending a crook who has ripped off millions from the government.

  33. All these slams and now she is in the hospital fighting for her life. An aneurysm. Calm down oeoe.

  34. All these slams and now she is in the hospital fighting for her life. An aneurysm. Calm down people.

  35. No one is saying. Not outside of family or close friends. I hope she is going to be ok. Post if you know.

  36. This is only a small part of a bigger scheme. Candy has been defrauding private insurance using the same tactics. She will send your iligitment bill to Bay Area Receivables if you refuse to pay the fraudulent charges. The two of them will destroy your credit in an attempt to extort the money.

  37. Does anyone know how candy is doing?

  38. She is still in a coma. It has been a long time. Not looking good.

  39. How she doing ? Any recent news on her ?

    1. She's in Texas....family secretive about her progress

  40. She's still in a coma.

  41. I find it interesting she was moved to a Texas hospital. And I also find it interesting that there are no updates. Wouldn't you want your community to know how you're doing?

  42. Anyone with common sense knows, all but 2 of these post were done by White Oprah..she knows who the hell i mean. Honety the devil is a LIER. Its is gonna be HOT "BOO BOO" where your trial ends. I would pray for you, because that is what my sister would want me to do... but...ummmm...NAHHHH. White Oprah isnt worth the breath the good Lord gave me.. Thats right... "BYE FELICA" to your dumb ass.


    C W


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