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Sunday, June 30, 2019

Wayfair workers to walk off job over partnership with detention centers

Hundreds of employees of the online home goods company Wayfair will stage a walkout on Wednesday in protest against its involvement in furnishing border camps.

Employees organizing the walkout at the firm’s Boston headquarters say they demanded the company stop its partnership with a government contractor to provide beds for detained immigrants.

“We believe the current actions of the United States and their contractors at the Southern border do not represent an ethical business partnership Wayfair should choose to be a part of,” the letter signed by 547 employees said.



  1. Maybe they should visit the border and see for themselves instead of listening to a few Liberal politicians and lawyers.

  2. I just don't get it. First they refuse to give any funding for the border, then they complain people are getting taken care of, then they complain when they try to take care of them. WTF is wrong with liberals. You just can't please them.

  3. they are screaming and crying about these "poor kids" not having beds to sleep on, yet they stage a protest when the Government orders beds to give to illegals?? Make up your freaking minds, idiots.

  4. Replies
    1. Yes just like Reagan did with the air traffic controllers. That was a shock. Fire them. Take away all benefits. Hire someone who wants to work.

  5. Occasional Cortex needs the detention centers to look more like concentration camps in order to validate her own idiocy, that's all.

    It's an incurable disease...

  6. Wayfair = Boston = Democrats = ignorance is truth.

    1. 8:44- it's not Wayfair that's the problem, it's their employees. Everyone is replaceable.

  7. Are you all saying wayfair workers are liberals. Why generalize a whole work force you know nothing about

    1. 8:44- No one said the whole work force. Learn to read, then you can grasp what my comments are referring to from the post. Nice try! Another liberal taking words out of context to suit their moronic ideals.

    2. Do you know - I doubt it๐Ÿ˜…

  8. All political hype to prevent Trump from a "win" on a campaign promise. Bottom line, liberals are doing nothing, obstructing, countering everything Trump does/says...let's vote them out in 2020.

  9. You complain when they have to sleep on cots but now you want them to sleep on the floor....idiots! Lose your customers folks and you lose your jobs and income.

    1. They may think the dumbocrats will support them if they get fired. NOT!

  10. 547 new job openings. GO TRUMP!

  11. Fire them all. Employees can't tell their employer who to sell.
    If they don't like it they could quit.

  12. Maybe some people are finally seeing the light

  13. Fire every last one of them.

  14. I was going to buy something from Wayfair but I can't support this crap.

    1. Wayfair is expensive. You can go elsewhere and find it cheaper and better quality. These folks are cutting off their noses to spite their faces. dumb

  15. Have someone standing outside to give directions to the unemployment office and let the office know they had quit, not been fired.

  16. so, they won't have beds, which is what they are upset about in the first place correct?

  17. This is wonderful. I don’t believe illegal aliens should get new beds either.


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