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Monday, June 03, 2019

Warren: Country ‘Broken’ Before Trump — ‘America that Elected Him’ a ‘Country with Serious Problems’

Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said on Saturday at the MoveOn Big Ideas Forum in San Francisco that the United States had “serious problems” before Trump was in the White House because of the people who voted for him.

“A lot of people want to talk about the guy in the White House,” Warren said. “We need to talk about an America that was broken long before he arrived there — the America that elected him — that is a broken country, that is a country with serious problems.”

“But here’s the deal,” Warren said. “We have the chance in 2020 to take it all and make this country work.”

Warrens “big idea” at the forum had to do with another problem she sees in Washington: corruption.



  1. This non-Indian speak lies! She just concerned with beating her own drum. She do anything for wampum. She want to be great white father in big Tepee in Washington. No good! She is known around the Tribe as "Woman who is full of Bull KaKa"

  2. Go back into the kitchen and make more Kool Aid.

  3. She is certainly not the answer and neither is Trump. This is the most ridiculous and media driven administration ever. It's like we have branded Democracy and he's Ronald McDonald. The most enlightening thing about this administration is there are so many BUTT hurt and presumed entitled Americans that have made no effort to take advantage of the bounty here....other than hunting possum and marrying their cousins.
    I think we should shut down the internet and cable TV before the next election.

  4. 7:45
    That is how stupid American people really are!

  5. She won't drain a swamp that is feeding her.

  6. Funny, when Obama was elected it was because "elections have consequences."

  7. Lets think about this a minute. The country was broken before President Trump took office. That means Obama was in charge for the previous 8 years. Yupp.....I believe she is correct!!

  8. Paleface speak with forked tongue.

    mr bob


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