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Monday, June 03, 2019

Report: Site of Virginia Beach Shooting Another Gun-Free Zone

The Crime Prevention Research Center (CPRC) unearthed information showing the site of the Virginia Beach shooting was a gun-free zone for city employees.

CPRC reports: “Virginia Beach bans employees from being able to carry guns. In addition, while it was indeed possible for a civilian to enter the ‘Operations Building’ where the attack occurred, the ‘Operations Building,’ as its name suggests, was a building where virtually only employees would be in.”

This incident comes just months after an Aurora, Illinois, attacker opened fire in Henry Pratt Company, which was also a gun-free zone.

CPRC examined mass public shootings for the time period of 1950 to May 2018 and found that 97.8 percent of them occurred in gun-free zones. Yet Democrat politicians respond to these shootings by pushing laws that make it even harder for law-abiding citizens to be armed to shoot back.



  1. What the media is leaving out is he was a black Muslim that used two Army 45's Auto pistols.

    Just doesn't fit their anti-gun, anti-white, Christian gun owner Bull.

  2. Gun free zones are the barrels where crazy people shoot fish.

  3. I don't get it.
    How can there be a shooting if it was a gun-free zone?

  4. 7:39,

    Silly me!

    When I noticed they weren't saying his name or showing his picture, I thought the media was finally doing the right thing by not giving the shooter publicity.

    Once I saw his picture, the media's motive for keeping quiet about the shooter was painfully obvious. He's not a white male. This doesn't coincide with their narrative.


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