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Sunday, June 16, 2019

US Diplomats Fly LGBT Flag at Embassies Despite Trump Administration Instructions

Several U.S. embassies have reportedly disregarded the State Department’s directive not to display rainbow flags on flagpoles during Pride Month.

Several ambassadors and diplomats have decided to step around the instructions, The Washington Post reported Saturday.

“This is a category one insurrection,” one diplomat who wished to remain anonymous told the Post, responding to the wave of disobedience to the State Department’s rule.

The U.S. embassies in Seoul, South Korea, and Chennai, India, have prominently displayed rainbow flags on the sides of their buildings for Pride Month, according to the report.

The embassy in New Delhi also bypassed the State Department’s instruction by decorating its building with rainbow lights for the month-long celebration.

More here


  1. If I may make a suggestion. Pull every one of those insubordinate liberal loser demoncraps out of those respective embassies and replace with Republicans.

  2. Another example of hiw fundamental reading comprehension is. If Trump order was not to put the flag on the pole, obviously displaying the flag or other insignia in support of Pride was not insubordination". Try again folks; this attempt at manufacturing a deep state revolt failed.

  3. I have a feeling there will be some job openings at a few embassies. The American flag represents ALL Americans whereas the gay flag does NOT represent ALL Americans.

  4. 2:37 I whole heartedly agree. Only flags should be the US flag and possible the flag of the Country where the Embassy is located. That is protocol.

  5. If there is a flag that represents all straight people would the gays be upset if that straight flag were raised? Or would the gays say it is not inclusive of all American citizens?????

  6. Time to say "you're fired"

  7. They should be replaced for not following their orders.

  8. I want there As fired.

  9. That’s actually a huge federal crime and could be seen as treason

  10. You dopes! Even Pence said the order was not to put the flag on the pole but other displays on the property were allowed. You people stay pissed off at issues you understand little about all because you are either too slow to absorb facts/information or too lazy to go out and gather them.

    1. I was standing next to him when he gave the order.

  11. Why do we honor the mentally ill?

    1. To placate them with the hope that one day parties, flags and parades won't be a thing.

  12. And this is where Donald J. Trump should find some balls and exercise his power to put a stop to this Bullshit.

  13. Peaceful Civil Disobedience. The right to protest.

    True American Values.

    Good for them. An unjust decree should be dismissed.

  14. But Trump is right. Only official government flags should be flown at US Embassies. Or any government owned building, for that matter. Imagine how silly our federal government buildings would look if any political cause of the week flag was hung on them. Rainbow flags represent a very small section of the American people and not all the American people. The Embassies represent the country and our nation, not a small demographic cross section slice of America. The politically appointed diplomats and Ambassadors need to remember what they represent.

  15. They must use up a hell of a lot of mouth wash and enema bags.

  16. World's people have gone SICK !!! enough is enough !!!!


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