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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Biden: ‘Wasn’t One Single Hint of a Scandal or a Lie’ in Obama Years

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed Wednesday that there were no scandals or lies in the Obama-Biden administration.

“Know what I was most proud of?” he asked voters in Iowa. “For eight years, there wasn’t one single hint of a scandal or a lie.”

Former President Barack Obama won the “Lie of the Year” by the left-wing fact-checker PolitiFact in 2013 for saying that Americans could keep their health care plan if they liked it despite Obamacare.

Biden also failed to mention the failure to protect Americans at the consulate in Benghazi, Attorney General Eric Holder’s role in covering up the Fast and Furious scandal, or the IRS persecution of Tea Party groups.



  1. But there were MANY !!!!! Fact

  2. Yeah right.

    The investigation is just beginning...

  3. Benghazi was Obama’s stain that the swamp covered up,despicable.

  4. I guess if you tell a lie often enough you even believe it yourself.


  5. We already know he can't count courtesy of his 3 letters J-O-B-S gaffe.

    IIRC he didn't get over 10k votes in Iowa in 2008. He's the type of candidate who does less well the more he's seen.

    AG Barr will get to the bottom of a lot more than just the FBI-Russia plot, and Joe was VP.

    Popcorn futures!

  6. OMG, is Biden's dementia so advanced that these kind of statements spew forth??? What a complete fool.

  7. So the pallet of money wasn't ransom?

  8. He is right, except for the question of Barry’s origin of birth and Moochella’s identity as a linebacker at Iowa. Then there are the 2 children and their parents’ identity.

  9. This guy's ENTIRE government career has been a Scandal. He's not done yet. Can't wait to see him in a jail jumpsuit.

  10. obama had a huge rug to sweep all that corruption under

  11. I guess pallet loads of American taxpayer's cash given to Iran isn't a scandal.

  12. Just don't forget the "Fast and Furious" gun fiasco.

  13. Northwest Woodsman: I am certain that the Marxist democrats have Dr, Joseph Goebbels stashed away in a safe house in VV, kept alive by the CIA. Only he could be responsible for the propaganda successes that Marxist Democrats have achieved.

  14. The reason Biden thinks obummer never had a scandal because when awake he was not smart enough to understand what was going on.

  15. Old school politician. Part of the swamp. For them, it doesn't have to be true, and they don't even have to believe it themselves, but if it gets an ignorant person to vote for them, it's why they say it.

  16. OMG...........I can't stand it.

  17. Dopey speaks again.

  18. That poor old codger can;t remember.............yeah right, sure he can't! Everything under the obama administration was a scandal and a lie. Biggest crook ever to be president......if that's what you want to call him. I call him a POS and worse.

  19. Just like Hitler's Gerbels >>> Lie Lie Lie !!!!! (Biden)

  20. Because the media didn’t care or want to print the it! If you are a democrat, you are above the law, only conservatives are held accountable!

  21. Lies & Mis-information > just like Gerbles !!! (Biden)

    Propoganda !!!!


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