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Thursday, June 13, 2019

U.S. Cities Overwhelmed With Illegal Migrants From Ebola-Stricken Countries

Some U.S. cities are becoming overwhelmed with the number of illegal African migrants arriving from Ebola-stricken countries, with Portland Maine complaining that they are beyond capacity.

Large groups of migrants are arriving from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which has been hit by one of the biggest ebola outbreaks in history, with 2,000 recorded cases in the last 10 months.

Border Patrol officials said that 500 people from African countries had been arrested by Border Patrol’s Del Rio Sector in Texas alone in the six days after May 30.

Hundreds of the migrants are being sent to a city-owned shelter in San Francisco.

Dr Michael Ryan, the executive director of the WHO’s health emergencies program, told BBC News that the global spread of deadly diseases is becoming “a new normal” thanks to “large and highly mobile populations”.



  1. and so the democrat should be charged with sedition and treason since they are now considered a domestic enemy of the citizens they swore to protect

  2. Please give them all to california, Oregon and Washington state

  3. Portland does not understand that they have been targeted for take over to become a muslim no-go zone.

  4. Just keep on with this insane crazyness & America will be

    Ruined !!!!

    All Illegals Must be Deported & esp Ebola cases !!!! Fact


  5. Wait until that takes off in the slums of LA, SF, Seattle and Portland.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I don’t know what Marxist democrats hope to gain (besides votes!) by allowing entry of these illegal migrants into our country. It seems that our survival as a country and as a culture has no meaning to them. Obviously, they want to destroy the country but that includes their destruction also. Doesn’t make sense to me. Makes me recall the Kenyan’s statement that he wanted to “Fundamentally Change America” but didn’t go on to describe that he meant to turn us into a third world hell whole.


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