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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Alexander: The Missing Millennial Link

At last week’s 75th Anniversary D-Day observance, after President Donald Trump delivered his remarks, Susan Eisenhower, by virtue of the fact that she’s the granddaughter of Supreme Allied Commander Dwight D. Eisenhower, received some media attention. She offered some observations of her own about the young men who stormed the beaches of Normandy — young men who would earn the retrospective title of “The Greatest Generation.”

I was a bit distracted by her unscripted remarks near the American Cemetery because behind her was Barack Obama’s former secretary of state, John Kerry, who was mindlessly strolling over American graves.

Yes, Eisenhower, who claims to be a Republican, endorsed Obama and spoke on his behalf at the 2008 DNC convention. That doesn’t invalidate her remarks; it just means they are subject to varying degrees of circumspection. But to see Kerry walking across the sacred ground of American graves in France, given his traitorous record of providing aid and comfort to our enemy by meeting with the North Vietnamese in Paris when American negotiators were involved in peace talks — well, I hope you can understand why I was distracted.

What Susan Eisenhower said is this: “I think with respect to the courage that was shown here at Normandy, today we don’t have selflessness and self-sacrifice in our vocabulary. … There was a time when people were called upon to do things they didn’t necessarily want to do or couldn’t be spared to do. They reported for duty, they put their best selves in it and they discovered when they hit the beaches that they were more than they ever thought they could be.”

Indeed, some of their collegiate peers today would accuse them of “toxic masculinity.”


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