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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Trump asserts executive privilege over material sought in census 2020 citizenship decision

President Trump has asserted executive privilege over census 2020 materials the House Oversight Committee is seeking from the Justice and Commerce departments.
The Justice Department informed the committee of the move as Democrats who lead the panel prepared to vote Wednesday to hold Attorney General William Barr and Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross in contempt of Congress for refusing to supply the information.
The move by the Justice Department is meant to make it easier for the Trump administration to prevail in court, which is where Democrats plan to take the case by voting on contempt.


  1. It racist to ask a person if they are illegal and snuck into the country.

  2. Ummmm you would think you guys would be all for having the info regarding these deliberations come to light. We're not talking about the top secret plans for the new nukes here.

  3. Why are people so stupid to not see that the DemoRATS are not doing this for the people of the United States, but to protect Illegals? They should be impeached for not doing what they were elected to do!

    1. I see it as not protecting illegals but using them to gain more seats. For instance if there are a million extra people in Las Angeles (legal or not), they will get more reps in the house etc. The more seats, the easier it is to push there agenda.
      I cant wait to hear how the scotus rules on this.

    2. Dude many illegals are consertive, religious catholics who are def against abortion and who work in rural areas. Kinda messes up your hypothesis


  4. Purpose of the census is to count the population. That includes actual citizens, legal residents with proper paperwork, and illegal aliens of all stripes.

    IMHO, only actual citizens should be counted for purposes of apportioning House of Representative seats.

  5. Is everything executive privilege ?


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