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Thursday, June 13, 2019

REPORT: Rep. Ilhan Omar Filed Taxes With Her Now-Husband While Married To Someone Else

Rep. Ilhan Omar's (D-MN) private life has been the subject of some scrutiny before (fairly or unfairly), but a new discovery about Omar's tax returns has shifted focus on to the Minnesota legislator's complicated family situation, and whether her relationships may have led her and her now-husband to violate federal law.

Last week, a Minnesota campaign finance review board released a report detailing a months-long investigation into whether Omar violated Minnesota ethics laws. But, according to The Hill, the report also speculated that Omar and her husband, Ahmed Hirsi, filed joint tax returns in 2014 and 2015 while Omar was still legally married to another man.

Omar's fundraising did land her in some hot water. She was "ordered ... to repay her state House campaign committee nearly $3,500 in funds used in violation of law, as well as pay to the state a $500 civil penalty" for misusing or miscategorizing money that was supposed to go toward her campaign for Congress (including, allegedly, a nearly $3,000 payment to a divorce attorney).



  1. Outrageous! This calls for a special counsel investigation that should last oh say two years. She should be impeached for collusion, obstruction, being a loon, uh, did I forget anything?

  2. One of us try this stuff and you would be in Fed Prison so fast you wouldn't know what happened
    Another example of two sets of rules one set for the citizen serf and one set for the so called elected dem class

    She Should be in jail for it

  3. What a worthless piece of crap, can't believe she was legally voted into office! She needs to be in prison. Also, what a perverted B**** marrying her brother? Prison is too good for her. Firing squad would be about right.

  4. She needs to be arrested and put in Jail Like Martha Stewarts was.

    Oh I forgot, Democrat Tax Cheats are exempt, for proof look at Al Sharpton !

  5. Did all of you forget nobody is above the law except Democrats. That is what Democrats say and ignore. What a bunch of hypocrites.

  6. Don't forget she is a law maker. We are doomed.

  7. Do as I say, not as I do

  8. Why isn't she being Arrested.


  9. Please bear in mind her religious group endorses lying if it advances their goals and cause. That is the nub.


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