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Friday, June 28, 2019

'Those poor souls, they didn't have their fathers here': US Colonel buries his soldier son

One of the most heart-wrenching photos from the Second World War has been colourized alongside a series of images from the Pacific Theater.

The photo shows US Marine Colonel Francis Fenton conducting the funeral of his son Private First Class Mike Fenton, near Shuri, Okinawa, in May 1945.

The two briefly met each other during the bloody Battle of Okinawa in Japan and exchanged news. A few days later, Mike, 19, was killed in a Japanese counterattack.

After burying his son, Colonel Fenton stared at the bodies of other dead soldiers and said: 'Those poor souls. They didn't have their fathers here'.

Other captivating shots in the collection show US Marines injured in the line of duty receiving urgent medical attention, a Japanese soldier surrendering after spending days evading capture, and a troop of soldiers caring for a child orphaned by the brutal fighting.

The photos have been colourized by electrician Royston Leonard, 55, from Cardiff, Wales who spends up to five hours working on each individual photo. He believes that photos 'give more' when they are in color.


1 comment:

  1. OMG,

    just reading this....and being a College Student

    I need my safe space



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