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Friday, June 28, 2019

The Day Fox News Was on the TV on My Gym

I'D OCCASIONALLY seen him in the gym — we both work out at the same Brookline Village health club — but we had never previously had occasion to speak. The other day, as I was using a weight machine near the front desk, I noticed him approach and speak to the staff member on duty. He motioned with apparent consternation toward the TV screens mounted on the opposite wall, and I heard him say the word "Fox." One of the eight screens was tuned to the Fox News Channel, and it became clear he wanted it changed.

"I'm sorry," the staffer replied. "Another member specifically asked for Fox to be put on."

He turned to resume his workout, plainly unhappy, and saw that I had been observing the exchange. "Are you the person who's watching Fox?" he asked me.

"No," I told him. "I don't like TV news. But what's the big deal? There are eight screens to look at. If you don't care for Fox, you have seven other options."

"That's not the point," he said (I'm paraphrasing from memory). "They shouldn't have Fox News on in this gym."



  1. hurry up and win the election again trump. I need 4 more years of liberals going nuts.

  2. Pure Fitness in Salisbury Maryland is PRO TRUMP

    JOIN OUR FAMILY @ Pure Fitness....

    the owners love President Trump

  3. The national brainwashing program is working.

  4. Johns Hopkins in Baltimore did not carry FOX news at all. This was a couple years ago, so I'm not sure if they do yet or not, but I rather doubt it.


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