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Sunday, June 30, 2019

This New York Man Got Arrested After Defending His Own Home

All too often, advocates of strict gun control promise that more complex and convoluted laws will save lives without imposing a serious burden on the right of law-abiding citizens to exercise their constitutional rights.

Their argument simply doesn’t hold up. Their gun control laws fail not only to address how actual criminals get their firearms, but they also impose a real burden on ordinary citizens’ Second Amendment rights. They even risk making felons out of otherwise law-abiding citizens.

If that sounds like an exaggeration, just look to the case of Ronald Stolarczyk of Oneida County, New York. He’s now facing felony charges for lawfully protecting himself against criminals without first getting the county’s permission to possess a handgun in his home—something that would cost him hundreds of dollars and months of paperwork.



  1. Replies
    1. It's upstate NY ALMOST CANADA

  2. Why are there no comments on this topic?

  3. Same thing will happen here in the Republic of Maryland.

  4. Here's a guy living on social security that just wanted to be left alone and safe in his own home, but is being persecuted by his own state for protecting himself against a pair of career lowlife criminals. This is not how it should be.

    His GoFundMe page is there for donations.

  5. I wonder if the home invaders were legally allowed to own their guns?

  6. "Shall not be infringed" I can understand it, why can't NY, MD & others?

    1. Bc they need to be challenged in the supreme Court.

  7. Interesting that three Utica, NY, Talericos died by gunshot in the space of three years.

  8. Same thing happened to a friend of mine right here in da 'bury. He shot the thief trying to go back out a window and the state tried to press charges on him because the man was trying to get out of the residence, un-f'ing believable how f'd up this country has become. I'll say this much I'm willing to go to prison if I catch you on my property

  9. According to the constitution I don't need their permit and I will never purchase a permit.

  10. My hands were registered 20 years ago so I need to be careful when striking. In this situation I would have probably kicked and punched combination.

    1. We could use you on these idiots who visit OC this summer man

    2. 5:04 Wow, how can I get my hands registered too ?

  11. Everything the "state" does is aimed towards unarming everyone, criminal or not. They just use certain tactics aimed at felons and others to keep a backdoor into taking away everyone else's.

  12. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    My hands were registered 20 years ago so I need to be careful when striking. In this situation I would have probably kicked and punched combination.

    June 26, 2019 at 5:04 PM

    I'm sure you would have used anything available at the time, like most ppl. lol


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