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Friday, June 28, 2019

The seven funniest moments at the Democrats’ first debate

Last night saw the expression “clown car” gain considerable justification as a description of the Democrats’ presidential field. It was “9 candidates with no shot at anything and the tenth, the first fake Native American candidate,” in Daniel Greenfield’s apt description of the farce. But there were moments of hilarity that punctuated the tedium, so it was not a total loss for those who subjected themselves to the entire broadcast, a marathon competition in pandering to the hard-left activists that shout the loudest on Twitter.

I confess that my secret hope of Robert F. O’Rourke jumping on top of his podium like some Iowa coffee shop counter was dashed, but the humor content was, by the standards of American political theatre, fairly impressive from the standpoint of a conservative.

In descending order of laughter potential:



  1. Even professional clowns are laughing.

  2. Clowns? Trumps debates includes such gems as "Little Marco" and "my hands are bigger". Folks the bar has dropped mighty low when you allow this to be the level of discourse for positions that have a direct impsct on your life.

  3. The front runner uncle Joe looked lost.

    1. Yes he did. At first I thought he was being arrogant. Something like Hillary. Biden: I don't really need to be here with the wanabe deplorables who think they can outdo me and be the next President." It's pass my bed time. Our we finished now. I made my appearance.

  4. "Julian Castro calls for taxpayer-funded abortions for biological males who are pretending to be women. Because it’s only “justice.”" Uh, WHAT? An abortion for a male? Is he related to the fool who said he was afraid that the island of Guam might flip over?

  5. Just no accounting for such ignorance. Republican is the ONLY way to go. Trump in 2020.


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