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Friday, June 28, 2019

General Assembly passes bill that mandates healthier drinks with kids meals

The Delaware General Assembly wants to make sure kids have an option other than soft drinks with their fast food meals.

House Bill 79 passed both houses by lopsided margins and awaits signing by the governor. Delaware and Hawaii become the only two states in nationwith the law.

This bill requires state food safety standards for restaurants to include a system for requiring healthy beverages to be offered as the default beverage with a children’s meal.

It does not prohibit the restaurant’s ability to sell, or a customer’s ability to choose, a substitute or alternative beverage as-requested by a customer.



  1. These kids either have patents or a guardian to teach them right from wrong. We sure as hell don't need the Government dictating what beverage you can drink. It's bad enough you can send a kid to eat at 18 but that same kid cannot drink, smoke, and in some States get married without permission. I say keep our tenlens home and send lazy big mouthed Congress and Senate member instead. Would be a lot less wars.

  2. Sugar water will still rule in some places.


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