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Thursday, June 06, 2019

Report: Mom Holds Suspect at Gunpoint for 26 Minutes Before Police Arrive

A Hudson, Florida, mother reportedly held a home invasion suspect at gunpoint for 26 minutes while waiting for police to arrive.

WFLA reports the mother, 25-year-old Lauren Richards, first called 911 at 12:41 a.m, then called back at 12:54 a.m. to make clear she was holding the suspect at gunpoint and needed police.

A deputy with Pasco County Sheriff’s Office arrived at 1:07 a.m.

Fox News reports an armed neighbor had come to help Richards by the time the deputy arrived. That neighbor said, “She’s got little kids. We held him at gunpoint until the cops showed up. Had she not had a gun and been ready to protect herself or call the neighbors, she might [not] be standing here cause who knows what would happen.”



  1. Hogan read this along with the rest of the liberal anti-gun Democrats in Maryland, State and Federal. Give me my CCW permit. I live in the country where there is very little Police protection.

  2. This same story on liberal Media platform. Insert words to describe intruder. Gentle giant. Include pictures when intruder was ten years younger. Discribe intruder as disadvantaged youth looking for better opportunity etc etc...

  3. Md Democrats want to make sure nobody can protect themselves and their family.

  4. Good thing she had a firearm and knew how to protect herself and family. Waiting 26 minutes for the police to arrive and protect is not going have a good outcome.

  5. Northwest Woodsman: Should have shot him and then used the other 25 minutes doing something productive.


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