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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Radical Democrat Reads Letter On House Floor Calling Trump Supporters ‘Racist’ And ‘Dumb’

Rep. Marcia Fudge took to the House floor on Tuesday to read a letter from a constituent.

In a video posted by C-SPAN, Fudge said the letter came from the Rev. Ronald S. Williams, who the Washington Post identified as “the senior pastor and chief executive of Mount Zion Fellowship in Highland Hills, Ohio.”

“ ‘A mobster? A con man? A gangster in the White House? I think so,’ ” Fudge said. Then Fudge read what the pastor thinks about supporters of President Trump.

“ ‘It is glaringly apparent that many who support the president’s administration are either racists, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant, or as my mother used to say, just plain dumb,’ ” Fudge said. “ ‘I believe the crooked ascension of Trump to the Oval Office is a gauge that measures the declining patriotic and moral values of the many citizens of America.’ ”

Fudge continued with the letter, in which the constituent said the Republican Party is like a “cult.”



  1. Hey Marcia. Somebody needs to read the letters coming in about YOU.

  2. Fudge just identified herself as another Soros stooge.

  3. There is never an end to their lies. Fudge nor any other black alive knows what racism is. Oh of course they lie constantly and blame all their troubles of their own creation on racism. fudge can go to hell and she will. Plus that name fudge is horrid and gross. No wonder she is an angry miserable lying ugly skank. Anyone would stuck with such a gross last name. But it does suit her. Fudge is slang for lying and she just like all democrats are liars. God knew name to give her.

  4. Personally I could care less what any democrat calls me. There isn't one alive worthy to even breath the same air as any of us President Trump supporters. They are all beneath us so whatever they say isn't anything to worry about. The only people you should be worrying about are people who are on your same level-that being people with class and morals. And there isn't a democrat alive or dead with morals or class.

  5. I guess this black pastor was Ok about his half black guy who occupied the White House for 8 years. Forgot or too stupid to know about all the crime Obammy got away with.

  6. When a Democrat uses the word "glaring" you know a lie is attached.

  7. If this is a letter from a Pastor then they are pure unknowledgeable hypocrite. I am not judging them. I am just comprehending his intent. He does not or is very selective in his knowledge of the BIBLE. I may not have the exact wording but I recall it states DO NOT JUDGE OTHERS AND YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED. Criticizing others is not spreading love for one another.


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