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Thursday, June 13, 2019

Christian Cake Baker’s Attorney: 3rd Lawsuit Is ‘Rehash’ of ‘Old Claims’

A Colorado baker is being sued for a third time for refusing to design custom cakes that he says run contrary to his religious beliefs.

Jack Phillips, the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado—first sued in 2012 for declining to create a custom cake for a same-sex wedding because of his traditional Christian beliefs—is being sued again, this time for not baking a “birthday cake” to celebrate the gender transition of Autumn Scardina, who now identifies as a transgender woman, according to The Christian Post.

In June 2018, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in favor of Phillips 7-2, holding that the Colorado Commission of Civil Rights—which had ruled that Phillips had discriminated unlawfully—demonstrated “clear and impermissible hostility” toward Phillips and his Christian belief that marriage is the union of one man and one woman, as The Daily Signal previously reported.



  1. "...for not baking a “birthday cake” to celebrate the gender transition of Autumn Scardina, who now identifies as a transgender woman..."

    I have an honest question and I'm 50 years old. Where we all of these people when I was a kid and up until 2008?? Someone please explain this one. And I am not asking for a friend.

  2. They were busy selling watermelon on the side of the highway and leaving us alone.

    ..and I'm 20 years your senior.

  3. What the hell is it with LGBTQ? What part of “NO” do they not understand? Go bake your own damned cake!


  4. Time for the baker to counter sue and ask for a sum with a lot of zeroes!

  5. The cake he was requested to bake for this occasion was vile and pornographic. No one would want to bake it or see it.


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