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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Psychology Today: People Refusing To Date Transgenders Is ‘Dehumanizing’

If you are a heterosexual cisgendered person who only wishes to date heterosexual cisgendered people, then shame on you for dehumanizing transgenders and the non-binary, according to a recent article published in Psychology Today.

The article explores a study written by Karen L. Blair and Rhea Ashley Hoskins in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, which essentially chastises people as bigots for the sin of being attracted to a man who is an actual man or a woman who is an actual woman — while also arguing that the prevailing attitude contributes to the psychological harm of transgenderism.

When first conducting their study, Blair and Hoskins asked close to 1,000 participants what kind of partner they preferred and gave them the following options:



  1. and so the twisted luciferian logic of lies and deception continues

  2. No one in their right mind wants to "Date" a Freak!

  3. Northwest Woodsman: Are these idiots telling me that if I wouldn’t date a trans with male plumbing that I am a bigot? Since I have been happily married for 21 years to a wonderful, loving, attractive FEMALE, I am not likely to be involved. However, that being said, I can’t believe what comes out of the mouths of these idiots! Please, folks, tell me where these people come from and why are their beliefs so divergent from mine? Am I a homophobe, bigot racist? Well I guess I am if you consider that I wish homosexuals would keep their behavior and agenda to themselves, and blacks would be a t least a little inclined to reduce their outrageous criminal and violent behavior and people in general would be allowed to discriminate as they see fit. The natural order of things is that people want to be with their own kind. What is accomplished by forcing different groups to interact with each other? There are certain types, races or groups that I do not wish to associate with. Get over it! They feel the same way about me, however, they want to force me as a heterosexual, white male to give in to their agenda. Sorry folks, it ain’t gonna happen. Just leave me out of it.

  4. Just think of those Kardashian girls last weekend... They didn't have any idea on what to do since their stepdad was a dad, then is not a man, and is a man dressing as a woman with a penis, who wants to be called a woman's name.

    FREAK !

  5. NO ONE should be forced to date anyone. Period...it's a choice and always will be a choice. where on earth are these people living...got to be under a rock!!!

  6. And...and I puked just a little...


  7. Mental illness run amok!

    Why is it so challenging for them to differentiate between a hot dog and a donut?

  8. Well, this just about hits rock bottom. Northwest Woodsman sums it up pretty well and I agree with the points. As a teen it was difficult enough to date girls trying to figure out hormones and the personas of the fairer sex. This is so bazaar it pretty much goes beyond the pale. Sounds like Ms Blair and Ms Ashely have way too much time on their hands and are looking for subject matter to justify their grants.

  9. Not my problem how someone else feels. Not my responsibility.

    If I treat them badly, or without respect, then I am responsible... but no one can help who they are or are not attracted to.

    Rather than being victims, these folks need to stop explaining themselves, making excuses, and accept who they are. This is just their situation. You can't force someone to love you, or be attracted to you.

    People have all kinds of tastes, toughen up and get over it.

  10. And yet, these same group of people want to be treated no differently than anyone else for "loving who they want to love". Sick to death of the hypocrisy!

  11. What's next? Demanding that sex with a goat?

  12. A true date, we can go to the rest rooms together

  13. No one wants to take one for the team for the manly chick? That sucks.

  14. Can't believe I just wasted 3 minutes of my life reading that some people don't prefer to date certain other people, based on personal attractions and preferences. Hope they didn't get any tax dollars to run such a study...

  15. Nobody in their right mind wold want to date a person that denies their birth gender (biology), unless they have mental issues, as well. That's not a bigot, it's a sane person that doesn't want to date a crazy person. What's to keep trannies from dating each other? Trannies are just homosexuals in drag.


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