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Sunday, June 23, 2019

Coincidence or does someone at Camden Yards Have A Sense of Humor?


  1. we made our own butter

  2. That a real man Jersey DAY that don't make them for mini men

  3. The fashionista complaining that his jersey was too big.
    He's lucky he is even there.
    I would love to know how many people from Smallsbury made the trek and how many sponsors showed up

  4. (for those out of the loop) The O's had lost 45 games, the most in the major leagues this year.

  5. 8:41
    Trump is the 45th President. I think that is why the comment was left on facebook. No wonder he couldn't fill the shirt. haha

  6. 8:45, spot on! MAGA!

  7. Hey Jake why wasn't it in a RAINBOW COLOR You know your favorite color FRUIT CAKE.

    1. Lol
      I thought IRETON was the worst mayor but fruity day takes the rainbow cake.

  8. Remember when they set the record for the longest losing streak to start the season. They lost like 21, 22 games in a row before they got their first win. Fans wore brown paper bags to hide their faces.

  9. It is a shorebirds jersey

    Our city government seems to spend a lot of time and money on "jake activity" videos. Wonder what this self absorbed puff piece cost us?

    I think there are better uses for the money.

    1. Indeed you are correct. Also please tell me how we can justify creating a town square/food truck court when there are so many greater needs. Example: when is the last time you drove Fitzwater Street? It’s absolutely ridiculous. The first lesson in financial literacy is to understand and distinguish between needs and wants. Guess jake was out that day.


  10. Tryouts for a T-ball league?

  11. I know what the ds means on his hat lol


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