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Saturday, June 08, 2019

President Trump Has Just Declared War On 'Nasty' Nancy Pelosi

Fix bayonets! That should be the mantra for the GOP as we head into the 2020 election cycle. Show no mercy for we shall receive none by the Democrats. President Trump surely took that to heart because he just took House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to the woodshed in a recent interview with Fox News’ Laura Ingraham. The president said he has tried to get along with the House Speaker but to no avail. He pretty much called her an untalented, nasty, and vindictive disgrace of a woman. She’s ineffectual and incapable of getting deals done. He also was not pleased with what she said about wanting to see him in jail instead of impeached.

On the deal-making, Trump’s right. Nancy isn’t good. Right now, we need serious funds to handle the border crisis, but they’re not playing ball. The 2018 Democratic playbook was run on impeachment or at the very least vow never to work with or compromise with the Trump White House on policy. Well, we’re seeing that play out on immigration and the looming impeachment fight. The latter being a conflict based on Trump’s crime of…beating Hillary Clinton. It’s pathetic. Trump did not hold back in slamming the House Speaker



  1. Think of the waste at the hands of the Democrats for four years, and not just in $$. All of it wasted opportunity, squandered in the name of envy.

    "If we can't have it, nobody can!" seems to be their underlying mantra. It's not really about Trump, per se, it's about the vanity of the Democratic Party.

  2. The face of the Libby party you'd like to punch...

  3. It is sad that Nancy did not go out on top of her game - that's right game. That's all it is with the Democrats. They lost.


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