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Saturday, June 08, 2019

Opponents of new Bay Bridge pushing for alternatives

As Maryland officials prepare to take a critical step toward deciding how people will cross the Chesapeake Bay for decades to come, they face growing criticism that the effort is bypassing options that don’t involve building a new multibillion-dollar bridge.

Maryland’s Bay Bridge consists of two adjacent spans between Annapolis and Kent Island: a two-lane bridge constructed in 1952, which serves as the eastbound route, and a three-lane westbound span that opened in 1973.

After more than two years of study, the Maryland Transportation Authority, which operates the 4-mile structures, plans to release a narrowed-down list of possible routes for a potential third span in the coming months.



  1. They will need to build another Ocean City first as next week’s air show will fill up all the available parking there.

  2. A ferry would not be cost effective at all!

  3. There should be a limited amount of traffic allowed on the Eastern Shore just like the fire codes for buildings. This would eliminate the amount of idiot / aggressive drivers on our peaceful Eastern Shore. The tax payers on the Eastern Shore are not being rewarded for having to put up with these idiots. Our tax dollars are sent / spent on the Western Shore so these idiots should stay over there. Let the Eastern Shore keep tax dollars spent / paid on the Eastern Shore so we can go back to living the good life. We have to many implants as it is. The Eastern Shore knows what is like to be invaded and have our lives changed by implants / illegals and not happy at all.

    1. Ocean City is only so bigJune 8, 2019 at 3:16 PM


      we should form the 51st State here on the shore.

      the Baltimore crowd would enjoy putting highways over here...

      to turn the Eatern Shore into SUBURBAN NEW JERSEY...

    2. What a ridiculous statement. Limit the amount of visitors. Boy oh boy it’s clear you don’t make your salary off the tourism or academic industries.

    3. How will making the eastern shore the 51st state help the traffic problems 3:16

    4. 1044

      we charged them 50 dollars a car to cross the bay bridge

      the traffic would slow down

  4. Without implants there would be not tax payers ? The locals don't have a pot to piss in and the retirees don't want to pay for anything.

    1. The locals have more than you know about 2:36. They just don't brag about it


  5. Remember, according to Jakethink, bicycles are the future of transportation.

    A canoe based vessel with outriggers that permits the cyclist to 'dock' their bike in it and pedal their way across the Bay is the keystone.

    Once they are in production and in place the Spandex clad wave of Americans wanting to see obscure talent at the Folked Fest will be able to fill the shoulder of Rt 50 on a 24/7 basis as they bring their discretionary dollars to leave with our merchants and hotels.

    Encouraging this type of eco-tourism is where we should be sinking (literally) our precious tax dollars! /sarc

  6. 3:16
    I say we leave our name Maryland and give a few counties that surround DC to DC and make that the 51st state. There are only a few counties in MD that are blue. The problem is that is where most of the democrats live. Let DC have Montgoery, PG, Howard, Baltimore City and Baltimore County to make the 51st state. Might eve have to throw in Frederick too. The illegals have taken over and are ruining that county just like they did to Montgomery and Howard. PG has always been a lost cause.

  7. 2:36
    Without implants we wouldn't have Joe's blog. You see how reliable that other blog is.

  8. Implants -🤔🤔 I moved to the Eastern Shore because of it's charm - away from PG county (Western MD). I ended up buying a beautiful house that turned out to never have any equity - paid enormous amt of $$ on water, county, city and State taxes so huge it forced me to move out. You are so lucky that most implants have stayed only because they can't afford to move out of State. Thank you very much for a very hard lesson - stay out of MD😂😂😂😂

  9. I've seen most of the proposed bridge plans. But there was one plan missing. Or maybe "they" just never thought of it. The two side by side bridges are both old and will need to be replaced with in the next 20 years or so. Lets do the math. That means Maryland will end up having to build at least 2 new bridges or maybe even a third. So my plan is to build a super bridge in the location of the present Bay Bridges. Lets face it the population on the western shore can't increase that much in the next 50 years or so. There is no room left to build over there. According to studies our population growth is slowing down any way. The highway infrastructure is already in place for the present bridge system. So build a double decker bridge that has 4 or 5 lanes on each level. One deck goes east and other deck goes west. It's worked for years on the GW bridge and Verrazano bridge in New York. Just a thought but hey what do I know. I'm just a dumb TAXPAYER.

    1. CLOSE THE BRIDGE......June 9, 2019 at 6:26 PM

      All Western Shore. ...
      ..stay the f over there....

      we do not want your crime here

  10. The problem is that some idiot decided to have 14 toll lanes merge into a two lane bridge. They need to get rid of about 10 of the toll booths. Equip the EZ pass lanes with the high speed readers so you don't have to slow down to 10mph to go through. They should also build 8 foot walls on both sides of the bridge so people will stop rubber necking at the water while driving.

  11. 1049...not dumb at all, just awful when it comes to math. 5 lanes going into 3 on either end (east or west) causes traffic backups since drivers today do not know how to merge.

    3 lanes into 3 and all is well. Nothing super since there is no resources.


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