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Monday, June 17, 2019

PRAGER: Leftism Makes People Meaner

The sadistic treatment of Paul Manafort illustrates something I have believed since I attended graduate school in the 1970s and saw the behavior of left-wing students: Leftism makes people meaner.

There are kind and mean conservatives and kind and mean liberals. Neither liberalism nor conservatism makes people kinder or meaner. But this is not the case with leftism. With the handful of exceptions that accompany every generalization, leftism makes people meaner, even crueler.

Take the transfer of Manafort, the one-time Trump campaign manager, from a federal prison to New York's Rikers Island prison. Rikers Island is universally regarded as a wretched place. As Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz wrote:

"The decision to move Paul Manafort ... from the decent federal prison to which he was sentenced to solitary confinement to the dangerous hell hole that is New York City's Rikers Island seems abusive and possibly illegal.

"I know Rikers well having spent time there visiting numerous defendants accused of murder and other violent crimes. It is a terrible place that no one should ever be sent to."

Mass murderers and torturers are among those incarcerated at Rikers Island.

More here


  1. Here's the thing- if there is a God,then you can laugh at your own folly. If there is no God, then all you can do is despair. Despair causes anger and resentment. Leftists generally believe that nothing is better than they are, and what they are is pretty crappy, so- they despair. And take it out on the rest of us. Which is why they are so hell bent on invading the good things (beauty, family, truth,) and destroying them for the rest of everyone else.

  2. We have to face it these left wing democrates are just wretched. Th e y will have to answer for their action one day and then it's possible that this could come back to them 10 fold.

  3. I equate that meanness with ugliness, both spiritual and physical.

  4. say it to my face and I'll kick your ass!

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