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Sunday, June 16, 2019

Ocean City Police Looking for Assistance Locating Suspect (6-9-19)

OCEAN CITY, MD – (June 9, 2019): Ocean City Police are seeking the public’s assistance in locating the suspect in a stabbing that occurred on Sunday. The assault occurred at approximately 12:26 a.m. on June 9 on Caroline Street and the Boardwalk during a fight involving multiple people.

The preliminary investigation revealed the suspect, a light skinned black male, stabbed two victims. The suspect was wearing a dark colored t-shirt, torn knee length denim shorts and white tennis shoes. The suspect, and at least one accomplice, then fled the scene and have not been located by police.

One victim, a 15-year-old juvenile male, was taken to Peninsula Regional Medical Center and the second victim, a 17-year-old juvenile male, was flown to Shock Trauma. Both victims sustained serious injuries but are in stable condition.

Anyone who witnessed the assault or who can provide any information as to the identity of the suspect or his accomplices, is asked to contact Ocean City Police Detective David Whitmer at dwhitmer@oceancitymd.gov or 410-520-5390. Anonymous tips can also be left at https://oceancitymd.gov/oc/departments/police/crime-tips/ or by calling 410.520.5136.


  1. Looks as if OC should have a curfew law. Fifteen & seventeen year olds roaming the streets after midnight. Nothing good happens that late at night

  2. Typical kids having fun. Nothing to see here.

  3. That's the only one they made public.there have been alot of assaults and robberies at night this past week.the thugs from the western shore are in town.alot of gang activity from a very reliable source who is an ocpd undercover officer.just look around on the boardwalk at night time you can spot the thugs.they come to the beach to steal and Rob from the innocent kids trying to enjoy senior week.

    1. OC is fudging the crime stats also ? I didn't know Duncan had a pt job there.

  4. Lol I love it OCMD is getting a taste of dabury hoods shipped from ECI.

  5. WTF!
    Do not go to the Boardwalk after dark!


  7. Summer started out with a BANG so to speak. Memorial Day had Rickie's inlet lot jammed Sat/Sun, then empty Monday. This weekend brought the rains, which normally means $$$$$$ for merchants. Only one problem - June bugs are arriving and they come each and every year WITHOUT money in their pockets. Empty inlet parking lot, no money exchanging hands and our first boardwalk stabbing of the short summer (eh Rickie, Summer doesn't really start for 2 more weekends).

    Gonna be fun this year Rickie - how about doing something about the boardwalk thugs for a change!

  8. Wow - need to get this under control.

  9. Disgusting feral thugs should be in jail

  10. geez come on guys just run him through the governments facial recognition program and it'll spit out his name. if he has a drivers license or ever boarded a plane or got a bank card, somehow they have all our pics on file!

  11. This is the same stuff that has been going on since I "hung out" at the boardwalk late night 20 years ago. You can only do so much to stop it, in the end there's always going to be some bad apples. Human nature.

  12. Give or take around 175,000 people in a town about 10 miles long, and you can figure there is going to be some idiot(s) among them doing something stupid.
    Personally, I like the odds.
    And for those that think that this is the end of OC's "Family Resort" status, take a look at the "unofficial" (NOT from WDW Police) crime reports from inside Walt Disney World.
    OC is Mister Roger's Neighborhood compared to that!

    1. shut down the bay bridgeJune 10, 2019 at 6:43 PM


      but Hogan wants to build another Bay Bridge

      hello.....o.c. is only soooo big

  13. Checking his phone. Yeah you're trending!

  14. Cops need to target downtown UNDERCOVER.

    1. They already do, been doing it for 30 years

    2. Yeah turning the other way.

  15. T'is the season.

  16. All of the naive June Bugs and seasonal workers aren't even here yet to boost the potential victim numbers.
    Yes, with a trend toward more bad actors hanging out downtown, it's a good idea to have more undercover cops around.

  17. Those two thugs are back in Baltimore by now.

  18. A couple of Baltimorons. This scum comes here every year looking for victims. Plus the filthy mouth ones on the boardwalk with their loud filthy language music. Haven't learned a thing. Just have to prey on good hard working, family loving people. Filthy garbage.

    1. OC is bowing down to dathugs just like in dabury.

  19. Why is it SOOOOO hard to have COPS saturate the boardwalk?? EVERY weekend during summer we have crime that THEY ALWAYS NEED ASSISTANCE.

    When people STOP spending money. They might get a clue. Just like saying MERRY CHRISTMAS. When the Christians stop spending money in the JEW store's. Guess what?? Broke their ASSES to say Merry Christmas NOW!!

  20. Boys will be Boys!

  21. Keep these PUNKS OUT of OC !!!!

  22. More & more Punks in OC = Not a FAMILY town anymore !!


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