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Monday, June 03, 2019

New York Times Unmasks Honduran Community Members Fighting MS-13

The New York Times unmasked a group of freedom fighters in Honduras who dared to take on the much-feared MS-13 gang. The U.S. publication printed their names, published photographs of their faces, families, and homes — allegedly without permission — thus putting a target on the members of the self-defense group.

In outrage, an author in Honduras called out the New York Times in a column for the local publication Contra Corriente for exposing the community to the wrath of the brutal gang. Rather than simply tell their story, the foreign journalists from Times turned the freedom fighters into easy targets by outing their identities and printing photographs of the group and their loved ones as well as marking the location of their homes.

One of the women featured in the story told the Honduran publication that she never gave them consent to print their name or take their photographs. “I didn’t even know when he took [the photographs]. That man has put a price on my head,” she said.

More here


  1. The Hondurans that are here legally are absolutely up in arms about the current ignorance in allowing any and all into this country so liberally. They fear for family back home and the inevitable terror the gang members will do here.

  2. That is because these vigilant groups are fighting back and these evil people who want evil to prevail, of course they will oust people who fight back, that is why I said that you all have to stand together in numbers for anything to work when fighting back against evil... Without big numbers you will and can be targeted and your families... They will take you out... But I never see anyone else going far enough to take out the evil people... Everyone just bends over and keeps asking for more....

    They did this to the same group in mexico years ago... They were the white shirts, for get the Spanish name... They govt backed the cartels to help fight back and stop these people, who were up until they tried to assassinate the leader, were actually winning against the military and cartels... Then while the guy was laid up in a bed recovering for months, his second in command went greedy with power and started doing what the military and cartels did which pretty much ruined the movement... The military came to stop these guys form fighting the cartels, which is funny right???? They just let the cartels walk on by as they tried to arrest the civilians fighting back in their own town to get ride of cartels... Now how do you suppose anyone can win a war like that????? You need numbers!!!!!!!! but you people are to chicken shit to give a god damn about anything, so don't expect anything to change for a very very long time, at least in your life time, maybe some change will happen in your kids life time...

  3. what do you expect from a communist newspaper

  4. Oh how our activities in South America have come to haunt us.

    1. 6:21-What activities did America do to create MS-13? It was a gang in LA by El Salvador gang members that went international. It started right here.

  5. The NYT thinks it rules the world.


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