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Monday, June 03, 2019

‘First large group’ from AFRICA wades across Rio Grande into US

A group of illegals from Angola, Cameroon and Congo waded across the Rio Grande River and into the United States, video from Customs and Border Protection shows.

The video shows male and female adults walking through the water and into Texas, several with children on their shoulders.

“This is the first large group apprehended in the Del Rio Sector and the first large group of people from Africa – including nationals from Angola, Cameroon and Congo – apprehended on the Southwest border this year,” according to CBP.


[Related: Congo Ebola deaths pass 1,000]


  1. Damn we're still trying to get rid of the "first" group that came. Everybody wants to come to the new welfare America

  2. We are rapidly becoming a dark country. Whites will be the minority just like in South Africa and their government, when they take over, will allow them to steal our property.

    Just like South Africa you will see a lot of white people slaughtered. Wake up, Stupid A$$es!!

  3. That's just wrong.

  4. We would be mindful to not focus 100% on our southern borders!!!

    1. You are an idiot!

    2. 6:32-Democrat! I found another one! What are you talking about!?

  5. How about introducing a couple million Amazon River piranha into the Rio Grande and put an end to this Crap!

  6. Time to move to the the Redoubt.

  7. Piranha are over rated.


  8. Must be good long distance swimmers!

  9. 457
    That is obviously the plan of the elites.
    They hate white Christians in particular.

  10. Northwest Woodsman: Bringing more of their vibrant culture with them. Just send them to Chicago or Detroit. They need an infusion of more undiluted black culture.


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