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Sunday, June 23, 2019

New Logo For The Democrats


  1. National Socialist German Workers' Party.

    Union of Soviet Socialists' Republic.

    See a pattern?


  2. Bandying the term Nazi around, or using the swastika in like fashion, really doesn't play well whether from the left directed at the right, or the right directed at the left. It's a lazy thought process.

  3. Well 7:06 AM look at the pattern; the liberal left wants to take away guns, religious freedom, free speech, and regain power over the people...sound familiar?

  4. May be a lazy thought process but this is exactly how the Democrats think and act.

  5. Here are the parallels of the neo-Nazi democrat party and their spiritual cousins, the Third Reich;

    1) Both supported rampant socialism

    2) Both supported disarming the population. Thus far, only the Third Reich succeeded.

    3) Both supported book burning.

    4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech

    5) Both demonized their political opponents and incited mob violence.

    6) Both conducted a murderous holocaust of innocents. The holocaust of the Jews pales in comparison to the over 60 million babies the democrats have slaughtered.

    A hundred years from now and long after the Nuremberg style trials and execution of democrat politicians, when someone makes a vicious slur they will refer to another as a democrat rather than a Nazi.

  6. @ June 21, 2019 at 8:25 AM

    Right. 50% of America is democrat. So, you are claiming that 50% of America is Nazi... oh, and by the way... most Democrats are Christians too.... so are you also calling Christians Nazi's?

    Didn't the nazi belt buckles have "God With Us" inscribed on them?

    See how this works?

  7. Northwest Woodsman: As a former college professor (among several other careers), I have a great interest in the historical aspects related to the rise of Adolph Hitler and his National Socialist successful take over of political control in Germany during the period of the 1920s Amsterdam 30s. I fully agree with the comments of 8:25. He is absolutely correct in his assessment. The press/media have been able to manipulate low information people in to believing just the opposite of the truth about Marxist democrats. They are the new Nazi party and the parallels are there for everyone to see if they would open their eyes and research real history instead of the revisionist history provided by the Marxist democrat indoctrination media.

  8. Complete and utter BS. This is a GROSS misrepresentation, and each point is a giant strawman.

    Not a single part of this post is even remotely true, and it is designed to be divisive and dividing.

    Now is when we need to be a united America. YES there are fringe crazies on the left, but there are fringe crazies on the right.

    We are strong when united, but divided we can be kept weak and poor... and those who rule can keep us distracted while they manipulate and take advantage.

    THIS kind of thing is the problem.

    And by the way, I'm a Conservative who voted for Trump. I care, you should too. Time to end this "us vs them" and start actually accomplishing something.

  9. If people who vote democrat understood history they would know this.

  10. Woodsman, crazy to me. You guys are the one's who support a POTUS that ran on a nationalist platform, based on solely demonizing certain segments of the population, while using the bully pulpit to suppress free press, and has no morals when it comes to spreading false propaganda.

  11. @ June 21, 2019 at 8:25 AM & June 21, 2019 at 11:04 AM

    1) Both supported rampant socialism - FALSE. Point to a single democrat candidate or leader that supports "rampant" socialism. Not a social program... like the highways or medicare, but who is actively running on a platform of instilling socialism and ousting all other. Your distortion and exaggeration is false

    2) Both supported disarming the population. Thus far, only the Third Reich succeeded. - FALSE. Please name ANY democrat candidate or leader advocating complete repeal of the 2nd amendment and confiscation of guns. You will not find one. Wanting regulation, is not the same. Your distortion and exaggeration is false.

    3) Both supported book burning.- FALSE. Please name any democrat candidate or leader that actively supports and calls for book burning. You will not find one. Your distortion and exaggeration is false.

    4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech - False. Name one democratic candidate or leader that has called for violent tactics to halt free speech. Your distortion and exaggeration is false.

    5) Both demonized their political opponents and incited mob violence. - False. Name one democratic candidate or leader that has called for mob violence against their political opponents. I voted for Trump, please don't pretend that there is any other person "demonizing" their opponents more than him. I submit to evidence his twitter feed. Your distortion and exaggeration is false.

    6) Both conducted a murderous holocaust of innocents. The holocaust of the Jews pales in comparison to the over 60 million babies the democrats have slaughtered. - False. Name one democratic candidate or leader that has called for the murder and holocaust of "innocents" like the holocaust of the Jews. You call "fetuses" babies to skew the issue, the holocaust does not represent a woman's right to consent and bodily autonomy. Your distortion and exaggeration is false.

    The point being is that rhetoric like this IS the problem. You don't represent your opponents views accurately or honestly, which means you don't clearly understand them, nor have you tried to. You set up an infantile "us vs them".

    This in fighting benefits NO ONE except those with wealth and power so they can keep us busy fighting each other instead of being united to not be taken advantage of.

    Wake up America.

  12. @1:16 haven't you ever heard Maxine waters speak, advocating violence? I have..

  13. @1:16pm

    4) Both used violent tactics to halt free speech - False. Name one democratic candidate or leader that has called for violent tactics to halt free speech. Your distortion and exaggeration is false.

    What about Maxine Waters calling for the "push back" against trump supporters?
    What about opening fire on a softball practice attended by conservatives?
    What about Berkeley crowds and Antifa inciting violence against conservative speakers?

    Granted, I have only mentioned Maxine Waters as a "leader", but the precedent is there - there are extremists everywhere and it only takes a few well-placed words to incite them to action, left OR right!

    1. Beahaha "push back" now equates to violence in your book? So who are the snowflakes again?

  14. 1:16 you are so wrong obviously you listen to CNN

  15. The globalists are the true enemies of the human race. There is nothing wrong with nationalism. Loving your nation is a great thing. It is like rooting for the sports team you play for. It is about pride. Hitler manipulated his and the German people's nationalistic views.

  16. 12:40 you are simply wrong. Trump ran on a pro-America platform, because he realized that the globalist controlled the Democrats who have become anti-American. He demonized a segment of the "population" that are criminals: illegal aliens. They do not have a right to cross our borders and work and live here without authorization. The laws concerning this have been on the books for a long time. Trump upheld his oath of office and ordered the government to enforce the laws. "using the bully pulpit to suppress free press, and has no morals when it comes to spreading false propaganda": have you lost your mind and senses? He does not suppress the MSM, he fights back against their outright lies. The spread of false news by the "news" organizations must make Pravda jealous. Even they can't keep up with the MSM's lies.

  17. DemocRATs are the new Domestic Terrorists to AMERICA.

  18. @ June 21, 2019 at 3:33 PM

    I disagree, I think nationalism is dangerous. Loving your country simply because it's your country allows a population to be manipulated into anything a party in power wants to do... and if you disagree... then you can be branded "not patriotic", or "un-American".

    If you love America because of Freedom or Capitalism or whatever.. it would be better to say that you love freedom, and as long as America defends and protects it you will celebrate and have pride in freedom? That defending freedom and liberty makes you patriotic, not your attachment to a flag or a bit of land.

    It's a dangerous slight of hand those in power like use, this nationalism. It's the same sort of slight of hand used when a warmonger sends men to die, not for freedom or liberty, but for oil or their own financial interests... and when someone objects, they are accused of not "supporting the troops". Dirty tactics.

    No, I am wary of this nationalism.

  19. Anyone who thinks that the USA can live in this connected world ALONE is basically just worng


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