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Monday, June 17, 2019

Manchin Considering Leaving the Senate

Senator Joe Manchin (D., W. Va.) is reportedly looking to leave the Senate, which could jeopardize Democrats' chances of taking the chamber in 2020.

According to the Hill, Manchin has become increasingly frustrated with the lack of bipartisanship in the Senate and is being recruited to run for governor in 2020. Manchin, who previously served as West Virginia's governor from 2005 to 2010, was re-elected to the Senate in 2018 by a three-point margin in a state that President Trump won by 42 points in 2016.

"I have people back home that want me to come back and run for governor. We’re looking at all the different plays. I want to make sure whatever time I have left in public service is productive," Manchin told The Hill, adding "I haven’t been happy since I’ve been here."

More here


  1. He was an excellent Governor. So much so, that he was up for VP until his daughter's Mylan scandal derailed him. But he realizes that there is no place in the Democratic party for a moderate. He can run as a Democrat or Independent and win in WV.

  2. He needs to leave because He is not a Democrat He is a bonified Republican

  3. Lets trash the Democrat who voted along with Trump


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