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Monday, June 17, 2019

Dozens Protest Outside Florida Detention Center for Kids

Clutching signs and umbrellas against a drenching downpour, scores of people protested Sunday outside a South Florida facility that has become the nation's biggest location for detaining immigrant children.

A coalition of religious groups and immigrant advocates said they want the Homestead detention center closed.

Protesters held signs that read "Homes Instead!" and "Stop Separating Families" as they beat drums and sang civil rights-era protest songs.

"Shut it down! Shut it down!" protesters shouted.

Lucy Duncan, an official with the American Friends Service Committee, asked protesters for a moment of silence to remember children who have died in federal custody, though not at the Homestead facility. She poured water into a potted plant as each of the seven names was read.

"It's a moral outrage," Duncan said. "We need for justice to break through. We need to remember those names."



  1. Had those parents of those children been real parents, those children would not be in a detention facility, they would be home where they belong in their respective countries.

  2. they should be chanting...send them home send them home send them home

  3. Homes instead, OK. How many are you taking home with you?

  4. Northwest Woodsman: Fools! Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups. What scares me is that there are so many of this type of person who are so manipulated and indoctrinated that they are unable to foresee the consequences of their beliefs and actions. The only answer I can come up,with is that there is some genetic predisposition for their behavior and that is combined with an almost religious fervor for their beliefs. Can you imagine today’s citizens standing up for the country and be willing to participate in a major conflict similar to WWII? Somewhere along the line while I was working, raising a family and serving my country, my country disappeared. Guess I was just not paying attention to the subversion in high places that are responsible for its destruction.

  5. ..."Homes Instead!"...

    How about HOME instead?


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