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Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Levin: ‘When we lose our history, we’re going to lose our country’

Tuesday on the radio, LevinTV host Mark Levin gave the history of the Battle of Midway, fought during World War II almost entirely with aircraft, June 3-6, 1942. Midway, together with the Battle of Guadalcanal, ended the threat of Japanese invasion in the Pacific.

“I was never taught about these various wars, except at a surface level, when I was in public school, and that’s, you know, several decades ago,” Levin said. “And I suspect it’s even less significant today in the classroom. And when we lose our history, we’re going to lose our country.”

“This is American history: Battle after battle, hero after hero, defending this country, defending its people. And then I listen to the talk today, about people who’ve never served — some who have served, but most who haven’t — trashing our country from universities and colleges. Trashing our country in the pages of the Democrat party-press. Oh, they say they support the military, but they have a funny way of showing it. Kaepernick — and others — protesting. Protesting what? They haven’t sacrificed a damn thing.”



  1. Each of us know what we know and believe what we believe.
    The problem about WWII history is that there are a vast number of people who have taken the time and effort to educate ourselves about this period of time. Many of us now understand the War in a different frame of reference compared to our high school days.

    Let me suggest for instance that the American public have been lied to about a number of historical events and the reasons and causes for those events, one of which is the entirety of World War II (and WWI).

    Most public school educators are unaware of the truth about these manufactured events.

    There is a secretive group of very rich and powerful people who have inherited the right to sit on Boards where decisions are made that affect world history. If the public knew of the existence of this group of people there would be a revolution tomorrow, just as Henry Ford stated many decades ago.

    I challenge each reader to educate yourself about the secret history of the world.
    The Truth will set you free.

    1. Standard oil didn't buy encyclopedia britannica for fun? You have to be kidding!

  2. The liberal education establishment is doing its best to make sure that happens.

  3. There are groups that are re-writing history books and they are already in the schools. Much history has already been deleted by the left. The Activist History Review is one such group. Look at your kids history books and see if you can pick out how much is missing.

  4. Well, AOC says all of the wars were started by old white men.

  5. Common Sense: pssst Levin and followers; the military fights for Kap's eight to protest. They dont fight for gov and society to be compelled by force to stand and bow for the king.


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